An areal photograph of a switchyard and three transmission towers.

Current Rates

Current electricity rates for Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro are outlined for each customer group here:

Schedule of Rates, Rules and Regulations

For customers on the Island Interconnected System, L’Anse au Loup, and Isolated Diesel Systems (first block), the current rate is 14.237 cents per kWh. For customers on the Labrador Interconnected System, the current rate is 3.154 cents per kWh.

How do our electricity rates compare?

According to a 2023  survey of electricity rates published by Hydro Quebec, domestic electricity rates in Canada range from 8 to 30 cents per kWh. The average rate in Canada is approximately 16 cents per kWh.

Domestic electricity rates on the island of Newfoundland average approximately 15.3 cents per kWh (when basic customer charge is included).

Public Advisory: Controlled Release of Water at Granite Canal