Supply and Demand

Current Island Demand

The Current Island Demand number is an indication of the current customer demand (including system losses) on the island of Newfoundland. This includes Hydro and Newfoundland Power residential and commercial customers, as well as industrial customers, on our Island Interconnected System.

Remember that demand equals supply. We generate enough electricity to meet our customer’s needs and to keep the system balanced.

Current Island System Demand

AS OF 1/24/2025 11:20 PM

Please Note: This number does not include what we are generating to supply customers in Labrador or our export commitments for the Maritime Link and Hydro Quebec.

The Current Island Demand, listed above, is served by:

  • Power from our generation assets on the island, including hydroelectric plants, the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station, and gas/combustion turbines. Our diesel plants in St. Anthony, Hawkes Bay and Holyrood are available, on standby, if needed;
  • Generation from the Muskrat Falls Generating Station that flows across the Labrador Island Link (LIL) to supply customers on the island;
  • Generation from the Exploits Generation System;
  • Generation from Power Purchase Agreements with non-utility generators including Rattle Brook Hydroelectric Generating Station, Corner Brook Pulp and Paper CoGeneration and wind generation from the St. Lawrence and Fermeuse wind farms; and
  • Customer owned generation from Corner Brook Pulp and Paper (Deer Lake Power) and Newfoundland Power.

Muskrat Falls Generation

The number below is the amount of electricity currently being generated at the Muskrat Falls Generating Station. This power travels across LIL to serve customers on the Island Interconnected System and to fulfill our commitments to Emera (as power flows over the Maritime Link to our neighbours in Nova Scotia). Generation that is surplus to these commitments can be used to serve customers in Labrador and/or exported to external markets in Canada and the US.

Current Muskrat Falls Generation

AS OF 1/24/2025 11:19 PM

Churchill Falls Generation

The number below is the amount of electricity currently being generated at the Churchill Falls Generating Facility. Approximately 90 percent of this power flows to Quebec and neighboring markets in Canada and the US, while the remaining power serves customers in Labrador.

Current Churchill Falls Generation

AS OF 1/24/2025 11:19 PM