Below you can find completed requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPPA).
Your Portal for Information
Hydro is the people’s Crown Corporation and we act on behalf of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. We understand the importance of accountability and transparency to the people of this province and are committed to being open, transparent and accountable across all our operations. We fully support the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPPA) in its role to ensure the accountability of public bodies.
As part of our continued commitment to transparency and accountability, we provide the people of Newfoundland and Labrador with access to information about completed requests made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
For more information or to inquire about our ATTIPA processes, please contact Cassandra Hearn, Access and Privacy Officer,
ATIPPA Responses
The online posting is a summary of the information requested and responded to since January 1, 2015 by Hydro. The postings apply to access requests received for general information but any personal information requested by individuals is not included. In keeping with our standard practice, it is our intention to publish responses within a 72-hour period of when the response is sent electronically to the applicant, or five days, in cases where the records are mailed to the applicant.
The posting of completed access requests includes:
- the file number and summary of each request;
- the line of business responsible;
- a copy of the final response letter to the applicant with all personal information removed; and
- a copy of the responsive records. Any personal information is removed as this is protected under section 40 of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Request Number | Request Summary | Request Date | Department |
PB-103-2025 | Please provide any studies if nuclear used on The NFLD power system. | 01/17/2025 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-33-2025 | List of records received from, sent to or containing references to Stewart McKelvey, a law firm, or its lawyers when preparing, discussing and drafting the tentative agreement between Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec announced by the Premier on 12 December 2024 and the individual projects in the agreement. Words that can be used to locate responsive records: “McKelvey,” “Samms,” “Quebec,” “,”etc. | 01/2/2025 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-35-2025 | I am writing to kindly request your assistance in providing the following EV charging data for the year 2024 (January to December). This data is critical for developing and validating forecasting and modeling algorithms for my research. The specific data fields I am seeking are: | 01/2/2025 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1923-2024 | The forecasted rate mitigation requirements for the Muskrat Falls project for each year beyond 2030 until the project is paid off. Please provided in a table as shown on pg. 4 of the following document: | 12/17/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1922-2024 | If peaking units had been used, how much would be saved | 12/17/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1921-2024 | Provide the EXACT First DATE a peaking unit was used in NL ALSO THE DATE FIRST DATE available for use. | 12/17/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1866-2024 | Please provide an update to the table included as Appendix A in PB-134-2020: incorporate actual amounts to the latest available year and forecast amounts to 2030. | 12/13/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1857-2024 | I have an ATIPP relating to the document posted at and relating to Table 2 which shows the following data on internally generated funds for the period 2024-30. The question involves providing a breakdown of these totals for each year. Please provide the sources of internally generated funds sourced from Muskrat Falls generation and transmission vs. funds from other NL Hydro sources. | 12/13/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1920-2024 | The technical briefing PowerPoint presented to media today at the Churchill Falls announcement. | 12/13/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1856-2014 | Annual Holyrood Maintenance cost | 12/4/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1855-2024 | How hydro compares to other energy source I looked online and some sites say it is as dirty as coal plants when you take into consideration the concrete to build the dam and the destruction of plant life in the reservoir . Also, any info on green energy especially why it was not considered for an option other than MF. green hydro energy from wind power, like the projects proposed around the province. | 12/4/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1820-2024 | Any information regarding mortality rates and cause (predation or other) of boreal caribou within the buffers around the project footprint since the project started, i.e. number of caribou deceased per year and cause, if that data exists for Churchill Falls. | 12/2/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1819-2024 | Maintenance cost for Muskrat Falls post commissioning. | 12/2/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1773-2024 | “An update on PB-708-2024 on outstanding claims related to Muskrat Falls”. | 11/19/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1772-2024 Part 3 | i) Total number of electric vehicles from the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. If available, please provide the make and model of EVs for the mentioned years. | 11/18/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1772-2024 Part 6 | i) Total number of electric vehicles from the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. If available, please provide the make and model of EVs for the mentioned years. | 11/18/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1772-2024 Part 4 | i) Total number of electric vehicles from the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. If available, please provide the make and model of EVs for the mentioned years. | 11/18/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1772-2024 Part 5 | i) Total number of electric vehicles from the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. If available, please provide the make and model of EVs for the mentioned years. | 11/18/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1772-2024 Part 2 | i) Total number of electric vehicles from the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. If available, please provide the make and model of EVs for the mentioned years. | 11/18/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1772-2024 Part 1 | i) Total number of electric vehicles from the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. If available, please provide the make and model of EVs for the mentioned years. | 11/18/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1772-2024 Part 7 | i) Total number of electric vehicles from the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. If available, please provide the make and model of EVs for the mentioned years. | 11/18/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1772-2024 Part 8 | i) Total number of electric vehicles from the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. If available, please provide the make and model of EVs for the mentioned years. | 11/18/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1699-2024 | The requested documents are in relation to RFP 2024-98158 DS and RFP 2023-95224. | 11/17/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1693-2024 | How big of an increase has there been in electricity use in NL, has the market price for electricity from .05 cents and the spot market price of .03. changed? What percentage of MF available electricity is now needed for peak times? What is the projected increase for electricity on both markets and increase in demand power for NL? According to the critics, when MF was sanctioned there was no need for any extra power, therefore MF was not even needed. Alternatives to MF such as using smaller hydro dams in NL, restructuring Holyrood and using natural gas, wind energy, etc. Were these reasonable? These alternatives would also give the same saving as MF such as on fuel costs and carbon credits. However not with the selling of power, or according to Danny Williams the bargaining chip we will have when the upper Churchill contact is renewed in 2041. Another question Gull Island, in building MF what effect if any would it have in the cost to built Gull Island? | 11/8/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1444-2024 | 1) The current capacity of the Menihek GS and future plans for a major expansion of capacity to serve new mines in the NW corner of Labrador. | 09/16/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1401-2024 | How is Muskrat Falls being paid? Would like to know simply what % of the $750,000,000 they NL Power customers have to pay for MF is being offset though savings such as the cost of oils, selling of MF excess electricity carbon credits maintenance etc a general % will do, thank you. | 09/4/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
| 08/13/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1295-2024 | 1. Please confirm that the “MF Related PPAs” ($744,953 million for 2025), before deduction for “Exports/Tariffs” ($36,021 million for 2025, in your reply to my Question 2), equate to the amount entered on the Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account in the column titled” Muskrat Falls Project Cost Variance”. Describe differences, if any. | 08/9/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1296-2024 | Hoping to get access to the transcripts, exhibits, and submissions that were part of the Muskrat Falls Inquiry. While I understand they are available piecemeal on the Inquiry website, I wondered if it would be possible to get the suite of files on a shared drive (or something similar) for easier download. The full suite constitutes thousands of files. | 08/9/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1054-2024 | I am requesting the written report of the third party’s findings presented to the Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology as noted below in b) of the Orders in Council OC2023-202. Order Number: OC2023-202 Order Date: 2023-08-28 Department: Industry, Energy and Technology Authority: Energy Corporation Act and Corporations Act b) enter into a contract with a qualified third party, in consultation with the Department of Industry, Energy and Technology, to undertake an independent review of what would be the appropriate comparator for the total compensation package (including salary, benefits and pension) for non-bargaining unit positions of Nalcor Energy as a Crown-owned utility and provide a written report of the third party’s findings to the Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology within six months. | 06/25/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-276-2024 | I am writing to request the following data required. | 06/12/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-975-2024 | 1/ What is a peaking unit ? | 06/11/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-921-2024 | I am resubmitting parts of my ATIPP request of March 27, 2023, to which Hydro responded with PB-327-2023 on April 25, 2023. I am asking that the responses to questions 1) energy sales projections to 2030, and 2) revenue requirements to 2030 be updated, based on the latest information. | 06/3/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-892-2024 | The water level of Beothuk Lake (formerly Red Indian Lake) has risen significantly in the past two years. I am seeking information on the reasons behind this change and whether there have been any alterations in water management strategies in the area, particularly those related to hydroelectric activity at the Bay d’Espoir Hydroelectric Power Station. Specifically, I request access to any and all records, documents, and communications pertaining to the water management of the headwaters that supply water to the Bay d’Espoir Hydroelectric Power Station. This includes, but is not limited to: Data: Water level measurements, flow rates, and precipitation records. Policies: Any operational guidelines, protocols, or decisions related to water level management. Communications: Emails, memos, meeting minutes, or other correspondence discussing water management strategies, concerns, or changes. I am requesting records from January 1, 2017, to May 17, 2024. | 05/27/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-880-2024 | 1/ What date in 2024 did Hydro first use the peaking units—-(for use @supper time) on each Hydro system in NL? | 05/22/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-825-2024 | I am writing to submit a formal public records request pursuant to Nalcor for the following documents related to RFP – Business Analyst: bid number – 97928 MG | 05/9/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-708-2024 | Please provide the number of open claims from contractors against Nalcor Energy or Muskrat Falls Corporation related to the Muskrat Falls Project. Please include the number, a full list of claims and the value of the claim. | 04/23/2024 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-341-2024 | Please provide inspection reports completed on the LIL towers by Vertical Specialties in 2017 and 2018. Also please provide any inspection reports from 2017-2018. | 02/22/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-180-2024 | Please send all ATIPP re Peaking Units and BDE TL Line in the last two years including press releases. | 01/26/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-123-2024 | Please provide all information regarding the proposed new transmission line from Bay d’Espoir to Sunnyside. Please include cost estimates and cost breakdowns, environmental assessments, project timeline, correspondence between government agencies and unions regarding this proposed transmission line. | 01/18/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-106-2024 | All documentation included in the tender submission which was submitted online, and includes the schedule of prices for all tenders received for project #95659VC – L’Anse-au-Diable Shoreline Pond Electrode Breakwater Rehabilitation. | 01/15/2024 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1118-2023 | Please provide copies of any and all reports completed by Hatch consultants in regards to Beothuk Lake including anything completed after the public meeting in the summer of 2019. | 11/1/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1208-2023 | Please provide records and supporting documentation related to expense claims for travel by CEO Jennifer Williams between January 1 and October 31, 2023. | 11/1/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1105-2023 | Please provide an undated response to request PB-441-2017 that includes construction costs for the Lower Churchill Project incurred up to the end of June 2022. | 10/12/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-995-2023 Part 1 | Please provide a copy of the record described as “Fig; Dominion; Minipi; and Kenamu, as described in “Southern Labrador Power Study, ” SNC Inc. 1977 (reference plate 6, extent of mapping)”, as well as a copy of the record referenced as “Southern Labrador Power Study, ” SNC Inc. 1977 as referenced in Paragraph 1(a)(viii) of the New Dawn Agreement between HMK, Nalcor Energy and the Innu Nation (dated 26 September 2008). | 09/11/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-995-2023 Part 2 | Please provide a copy of the record described as “Fig; Dominion; Minipi; and Kenamu, as described in “Southern Labrador Power Study, ” SNC Inc. 1977 (reference plate 6, extent of mapping)”, as well as a copy of the record referenced as “Southern Labrador Power Study, ” SNC Inc. 1977 as referenced in Paragraph 1(a)(viii) of the New Dawn Agreement between HMK, Nalcor Energy and the Innu Nation (dated 26 September 2008). | 09/11/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-995-2023 Part 3 | Please provide a copy of the record described as “Fig; Dominion; Minipi; and Kenamu, as described in “Southern Labrador Power Study, ” SNC Inc. 1977 (reference plate 6, extent of mapping)”, as well as a copy of the record referenced as “Southern Labrador Power Study, ” SNC Inc. 1977 as referenced in Paragraph 1(a)(viii) of the New Dawn Agreement between HMK, Nalcor Energy and the Innu Nation (dated 26 September 2008). | 09/11/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-956-2023 | Please provide copies of the following exhibits, which are referenced in footnotes 11,12 and 13 of the Quebec Superior Court decision in Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation Ltd v. Hydro-Quebec, 2014 QCCS 3590 (CanLII):
| 08/29/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-943-2023 | Please provide the following data on the Smallwood Reservoir in Churchill Falls:
| 08/25/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-898-2023 | Please provide the following:
| 08/14/2023 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-650-2023 | Please provide videos and transcripts of all Nalcor Annual General Meetings, beginning in 2012. | 06/19/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-350-2023 | Please provide all documentation regarding the oil spill that occurred in Rencontre East in the late 1980s, when the hose from the Woodward’s Oil, oil tanker (Either Jenny W., or Cybil W.) ruptured and spilled diesel fuel in the area of the former diesel generating plant, and south toward Fortune Bay. Please include all correspondence with the local municipal Town Council and approval for dumping it at the local dump site. | 05/4/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-348-2023 | Please provide the following:
| 05/3/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-438-2023 | Please provide: the organization’s current employment equity plan; the number of self-identified persons with disabilities employed and percentage of total workforce; the number of self-identified persons with mobility impairments employed and percentage of total workforce, and current employment equity targets for the organization. | 04/28/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-327-2023 | Please provide updated information on the transfer of Hibernia NPI and INPI interests, the GOC loans and their impact in reducing the equity requirement from Newfoundland and Labrador Government, Hydro and Emera Energy. | 04/25/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-389-2023 | Please send me a copy of the “Basis of Design” as defined in the Master Definitions Agreement dated 29 November 2013 (CIMFP Exhibit P-02352), and please include the basis of design described in Schedule “AA” to the extent it relates to the LIL. Please send me a copy of the “LIL Project Description” as defined in the Master Definitions Agreement dated 29 November 2013 (CIMFP Exhibit P-02352). Please send me a copy of the LIL Lease. | 04/14/2023 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-124-2023 | Further to request PB-1196-2022, please provide records within the Nov. 26-30 range that refer to an email from NF Power. It would appear a response was being drafted and was likely sent by the 30th. | 02/8/2023 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-126-2023 | Please provide all communications I.e. emails, from Brendan Paddick or other employees during Brendan Paddick’s employment at Nalcor Energy to John Risley, or other contacts discussing wind energy. | 01/31/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-125-2023 | Please provide documentation on the impact to the province’s electricity system and ratepayers due to the federal government’s decision to require 100% of all passenger cars and trucks sold by 2035 to be zero emission. Please be sure to include any estimates or analysis on changes necessary to power generation needs, transmission requirements, local distribution infrastructure, household upgrades and the cost to consumers. Please also provide copies of any materials provided to the federal government related to this topic and their announcement. The time frame for this request is March 1, 2021, to present. | 01/27/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-20-2023 | Please provide records relating to projects “Winston” and “Lucy” for 2022. | 01/5/2023 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1196-2022 | Please provide emails, reports and briefings received by Hydro’s executive team for LIL testing from November 23-30. 2022. | 12/12/2022 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-1174-2022 | Please provide a list of current cryptocurrency/data hosting customers in Labrador, how much electricity they are receiving and how much they are looking for above what is available. Please also provide a list of requests from new cryptocurrency/data hosting customers and how many have cut their service over the past year. | 12/5/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1158-2022 | Please provide information on the enclosed two examples of perceived conflict of interest regarding an embedded contractor. | 11/29/2022 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-1150-2022 | What is the line capacity for the Labrador-Island Link? | 11/29/2022 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-1149-2022 | Please explain how the Labrador-Island Link can operate like two power lines. | 11/29/2022 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-1096-2022 | Please provide amounts paid to McInnes Cooper by OilCo from January 1, 2020 to present and any amounts paid to BDO for the same dates. Please also provide amounts paid to McInnes Cooper related to the transition of Nalcor Oil and Gas into OilCo including any costs associated with management services, asset purchase and sale agreement, review of material contracts, IT agreements, transition of employees, etc. | 11/14/2022 | Oil and Gas |
PB-1089-2022 | Please provide a copy of the contract signed between Hydro and Ritche Bros. for the auction help on October 3, 2022. | 11/14/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1006-2022 | Please provide a list of all audits done by Nalcor’s Internal Audit Division from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2018. | 10/24/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1000-2022 | Please provide cost of windmills in Newfoundland and Labrador. Please include the price to build each and up to date total maintenance/repair costs for the windmills as well. | 10/21/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-997-2022 | Please provide documents regarding “safeguarding the electrical grid from EMP, natural or man-made” from 2000 to present. | 10/21/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-998-2022 | Please provide the voltages and amperages carried on high voltage lines used in Newfoundland and Labrador. | 10/21/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-999-2022 | Please provide the cost per kWh of all sources of power for Newfoundland and Labrador – including each generating facility and the total cost per kWh of providing service. | 10/21/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-881-2022 | Please provide information regarding how “Ritchie Bros” was selected to auction equipment used at the Muskrat Falls work site. | 09/21/2022 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-861-2022 | Please provide a list of team members who represented Nalcor Energy/the Lower Churchill Project between 2012 and 2013 in negotiations with the FFAW-Unifor over a compensation package for scallop fishermen impacted by construction of the hydro line across the Strait of Belle Isle. | 09/14/2022 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-807-2022 | Please provide any data or records, including emails, referring to “Project Winston” from January 1, 2021 to August 25, 2022 | 08/26/2022 | Churchill Falls |
PB-783-2022 | Please provide a copy of all “Usage Reports” for Webex accounts used by executive staff or higher and the board of directors for 2022. | 08/19/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-742-2022 | Please provide any studies or analysis completed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro regarding wind energy on the West Coast of the island – including studies or analysis completed between July 1, 2020 and July 30, 2022 | 08/19/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-695-2022 | Please provide Human Health Assessments and/or Methylmercury Risk Assessments conducted for the Muskrat Falls Project. | 07/19/2022 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-693-2022 | Please provide a copy of the 1976 Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro/CFLCo Power Contract between Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro and CFLCo and any amendments. | 07/18/2022 | Churchill Falls |
PB-681-2022 | Please provide a copy of the power purchase agreement between Hydro and CF{L}Co dated March 9, 1998 and a copy of the power purchase agreement between Hydro and CF{L}Co as amended on April 1, 2009. | 07/13/2022 | Churchill Falls |
PB-680-2022 | Please provide copies of the annual financial statements of Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation Limited from 1974 to the present. | 07/13/2022 | Churchill Falls |
PB-678-2022 | Please provide records from 1974 to the present that indicate the amounts of money paid annually by Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation Limited as dividends to Hydro Quebec. | 07/13/2022 | Churchill Falls |
PB-670-2022 | For each month from September 2016 to June 2022 please provide the number of equivalent kilowatt hours to any water spilled by Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation Limited. | 07/11/2022 | Churchill Falls |
PB-658-2022 | Please provide any and all records, including emails and timestamps, related to the resignation of Brendan Paddick on March 24, 2022 – for the time period January 1, 2022 to present. | 07/4/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-657-2022 | Please provide any and all records, including emails and timestamps, related to conflict of interest for Brendan Paddick from August 2020 to present. | 07/4/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-587-2022 | Please provide all information related to complaints from the public regarding the water level at Beothuk Lake from January 1, 2017 to present day and any emails from employees that mention Beothuk sites along Beothuk Lake from the same time period. | 06/11/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-582-2022 | Please provide the following information regarding Hydro’s consideration of a new generating unit in Bay D’Espoir: | 06/6/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-540-2022 | Please provide information on costs related to the merger of Nalcor and Hydro in 2021, including, but not limited to, payroll, branding and public engagement. | 05/31/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-539-2022 | Please provide information on costs related to the splitting of Nalcor and Hydro in 2016, including, but not limited to, payroll, branding and public engagement. | 05/31/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-527-2022 | Please provide all documentation regarding the submissions for Tender 89258 VC – Labrador-Island Link {LIL} Line Camps including all unit prices and Na/cars | 05/27/2022 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-522-2022 | Please provide documentation regarding Tender number 88124 JB – Churchill Falls Airport – Taxiway and Apron Rehabilitation – Churchill Falls, NL including the Unit Prices for all submitted bids. | 05/26/2022 | Churchill Falls |
PB-401-2022 | Please provide names of all Hydro employees who receive a vehicle allowance, access to a company vehicle or a vehicle that is considered a taxable benefit. | 04/26/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-344-2022 | Please provide reports or other documents that break down the cost of providing power to customers on the Labrador Isolated systems, the consumer rate assigned to cover those costs, and the Life-Line Block subsidy provided to offset that rate. This information needs to be broken down as much as possible to reflect the costs/subsidies associated with different communities/systems. (i.e. data for Hopedale is distinguishable from Nain or Makkovik) | 04/5/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-431-2022 | From the footnotes linked with the response to PB-143-2022 please explain what LRA and DSRA mean and their relative magnitudes. Please also advise whether the return of equity is included under revenue requirements under ROE or depreciation. | 04/4/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-308-2022 | Please provide a complete list of law offices/firms/practitioners (and the laywers names) retained by Hydro, Nalcor Energy Marketing Corp and CF(L)Co Corp, between August 1, 2021 to present. | 03/22/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-300-2022 | Please provide correspondence between the period of April 1, 2019 and April 1, 2020 sent from NALCOR/Hydro to GNL related to a backup plan (other than GE) for LIL. | 03/21/2022 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-258-2022 | Please provide the total number of employees within the organization by site or work location, including the total number of employees on administrative leave as a result of the Covid-19 mandatory vaccine policy. | 03/16/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-260-2022 | For the period between August 1, 2021 to the current date, please provide all documentation pertaining to the implementation of any mandatory vaccination policy within the company. | 03/16/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-259-2022 | Please provide the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases within the workplace, broken down by work site or locations from March 2020 to December 17, 2021 by quarter. Please also provide the total from December 18, 2021 to present. | 03/16/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-165-2022 | Please provide how many megawatts of power will be used at Come by Chance at 1/14,000 barrels to 2/35,000 barrels. | 02/16/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-143-2022 | Please provide information about the Maritime Link including the value of sustaining capital for each year of supply and other financial information as requested. | 02/10/2022 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-80-2022 | In regards to the sale of the Come By Chance refinery and it becoming a biofuel operation by mid-2022, how many megawatts of power will it use? | 01/25/2022 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-40-2022 | Please provide information on revenue requirements for the Lower Churchill Project. Also, under what circumstances does Hydro become obligated to purchase power from other markets to meet commitments to Emera? Will such power purchases to supply Emera become additional unforeseen additions to LIL O&M expenses recoverable from ratepayers? | 01/12/2022 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-1301-2021 | Please provide a break down for Nalcor’s net income listed in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador Fall 2021 Fiscal Update. | 12/21/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-1293-2021 | Please provide the “type of business” information for all 2020, 2021 electrical permit applications included in response to my FOI request PB/1194/2021. Also, from January 1, 2020 to present, please provide comprehensive records, including a chart/list on electrical permit applications made for electrical permits in Labrador. | 12/18/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1270-2021 | Please provide reports and information regarding the tender/bid/project 86654 VC – Drone Inspection Services for Labrador Transmission Lines awarded to SEM LTD. Please provide the finalized report on the project and if it was completed on time and on or under budget. Also, was the desired data acquired to the crown corporations of satisfaction and specifically outlined in the original tender? | 12/10/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-1271-2021 | Please provide all records related to Hydro’s consideration of all options for long-term supply to southern Labrador. | 12/10/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1269-2021 | Hydro states Emera’s investment at $409.3 billion. PB-909-2021, Table 4, shows Emera’s investment at $902 million, while Table 3 shows AFUDC at $258 million. Please explain the difference of $235 million. Please also provide a breakdown of the $378.1 million dividend revenue paid to Nalcor by Hydro, from non-regulated operations of Hydro. And please supply the WACC for the project itself, as well as for each of the three components: Muskrat Falls, LIL and LTA. | 12/9/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-1257-2021 ; PB-1258-2021 ; PB-1260-2021 | Please provide the actual quantity of debris removed from the Churchill River in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Please also provide the basis for the quantity of debris as tendered in debris contract 85518 as awarded by year and the basis for the quantity of debris as tendered in debris contract 84957 that was subsequently withdrawn. | 12/8/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-1236-2021 | In regards to the sale of Come By Chance refinery how many megawatts of power will it use and ow long is the power contract? Please provide details on the power rate. | 12/1/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-1194-2021 | Please provide correspondence concerning an electrical permit request as well as the application itself, and the approval or conditional approval of the application/permit for an industrial property (with several acres) in Wabush at 13 (13-1) Lakeshore Drive (near a hydro substation). | 11/17/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1169-2021 | Please provide any and all tender documents submitted by all proponents for Tender #88412 JW – snow clearing at various locations on the Avalon. | 11/12/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1170-2021 | Please provide all data and records that serve as evidence that building a diesel generating station in Port Hope Simpson is the least-cost option for providing power to Port Hope Simpson, Mary’s Harbour, St. Lewis and Charlottetown. Date range: Oct. 6, 2019 to July 16, 2021. | 11/12/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1116-2021 | This package includes information related to costs, funding and other financial information requests for Nalcor Energy, including Muskrat Falls equity funding and revenue requirements. | 10/25/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-1103-2021 | Please provide all records related to lobby efforts or other meetings with representatives of Marathon Gold Corp. between May 4, 2021 and Oct. 19, 2021. | 10/20/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-1055-2021 | Emera’s investment in the LIL shows up as a liability on the financial statements of Nalcor. Has Nalcor and or GNL guaranteed payment to Emera of the 8.5 per cent return and is repayment of equity also guaranteed? | 10/8/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-954-2021 | Please provide all records from 1974 to present concerning the amounts of money paid annually by CFLCo as dividends to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. | 09/10/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-909-2021 | Please provide an update on Tables 2, 3 and 4 of Nalcor’s PB-519-2019, to go along with the updated Table 1 in PB-797-2021. | 08/30/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-879-2021 | The federal government pegged a portion of a deal (worth $3.2 billion) between now and the end of Hibernia’s lifespan. Please provide information on this $3.2 billion and how it will be handled. | 08/20/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-873-2021 | What is the replacement value that has been declared to the insurers with respect to the policy limit on earthquake insurance on the Grand Banks oil properties? | 08/16/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-825-2021 | Please provide any Privacy Impact Assessments for systems that contain customer data from January 2017 to present day (August 5, 2021). | 08/5/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-826-2021 | Please provide a list of companies with whom personal information, either identifying or de-identified, was shared, transferred, rented, sold to or otherwise monetized from January 2017 to present day (August 5, 2021). | 08/5/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-827-2021 | Please provide a list of contracts for data services, information processing services and/or bulk data products purchased/acquired by your organization from January 2017 to present day (August 5, 2021). | 08/5/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-828-2021 | Please provide a list of any cyber incidents or data breaches involving personal information, with accompanying reports, that your corporation experienced from January 2018 to present day (August 5, 2021). | 08/5/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-797-2021 | Please provide the official project cost used in the estimates provided in PB-519-2019 including the capital cost estimate at the time and the overall cost estimate, include financing costs, at that time. Please also provide an update of the revenue requirements, following the format used in Table 1 of your reply to PB-519-2019 and please advise as to the capital cost estimate underlying the revenue requirements provided in PB-333-2021. | 07/27/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-770-2021 | This Response provides answers to multiple questions about information holdings within our organization. | 07/20/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-769-2021 | Please provide information on the process used for securing hotel accommodations in Goose Bay for Muskrat Falls workers and contractors with the camp closing down. Was the opportunity tendered and was the least cost option used? Please provide information on the duration of the contract, for how many rooms and who was awarded the work? | 07/19/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-746-2021 | What are the policy limits for earthquake coverage on the offshore program (regarding Grand Banks oil properties)? | 07/15/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-687-2021 | Does Nalcor have earthquake insurance on its Grand Banks oil properties? | 06/28/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-628-2021 | Please provide all completed tender submissions received from all tenderers for Tender # 86646 VC – Access Road Maintenance for the Labrador Island Link (LIL) – Port Blandford to Soldier’s Pond. Please include Submission Detail Confirmation, Complete Schedule A – Tender Submission and Complete Schedule of Prices tables for all applicable years. | 06/14/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-626-2021 | Please provide the detailed bid results (with ratings for each criteria of all bidders) for Nalcor Opportunity No: 86650 JB – RFP – Review of Settlement near Grand Falls West Embankment Dam (GF-4) – Grand Falls, NL. | 06/14/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-578-2021 | Please provide the tender submission for the successful/low bidder and the second lowest bidder for the tendered project: Bid Number 86644VC Access Road Maintenance for the Labrador Island Link (LIL) – Shoal Cove to Birchy Lake closed May 11, 2021. | 06/4/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-579-2021 | Please provide the tender submission for the successful/low bidder and the second lowest bidder for the tendered project: Bid Number 86645VC Access Road Maintenance for the Labrador Island Link (LIL) – Birchy Lake to Port Blandford closed May 11, 2021. | 06/4/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-577-2021 | Please provide the tender submission for the successful/low bidder and the second lowest bidder for the following tendered project: Bid Number 86643VC Access Road Maintenance for the Labrador Island Link (LIL) – Muskrat Falls to Forteau closed May 22, 2021. | 06/3/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-517-2021 | Why did Nalcor underwrite the legal counsel costs for former CEO Edmund Martin for the Muskrat Falls Inquiry? | 05/19/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-490-2021 | Please provide information on how much electrical power Nalcor/Hydro purchased from Deer Lake Power during 2018, 2019, 2020, and up to April 2021, including the amount of electricity and how much was paid, broken out on a monthly basis, for the years in question. | 05/12/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-431-2021 | Please provide the aggregate amount of yearly payments made to the following funds as outlined in the Muskrat Falls collective agreement: the IBEW 2330 Trade Improvement Fund; the IBEW 2330 Membership Development Fund; the IBEW 2330 Advancement Fund; and the IBEW 2330 College Admin Fund. | 04/29/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-368-2021 | Please provide all completed tender submissions received from all tenderer’s for Tender # 86376 JB – Vegetation Management – Cutting and Tree Trimming – Various Locations, NL including Submission Detail Confirmation, Complete Schedule A – Tender Submission and Complete Schedule of Prices tables for all applicable years. | 04/20/2021 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-333-2021 | Please provide the energy sales projections on which the September 28, 2021 cost and schedule update was based? Please also confirm the Muskrat Falls energy production, net of line losses to Soldier’s Pond, on which the new 17.68 cents/KWh unit energy cost projections are based and the associated annual revenue requirements for the full supply period. | 04/12/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-280-2021 | Please provide the Team Products and Services Inc. Bid Document and Bid Evaluation completed by the company on each submission for Debris Management Services on the Churchill River 85518 VC. | 03/25/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Churchill Falls |
PB-275-2021 | Please provide information on the original contract value and the current contract value for work with GE Grid Solutions for the Labrador-Island Transmission Link and the movement of power from Muskrat Falls to Soldiers Pond. | 03/16/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-255-2021 | Regarding PB-880-2019 and relating to the “Understanding Muskrat” presentation, does the 22.89 cents/KWh include the rural deficit? Please provide an update for the table on page 28 based on the latest capital cost estimates. | 03/12/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-177-2021 | Please provide all bidder evaluation results and awarded value of the resulting contract: Evaluation results of Hydro Request for Proposal #2020-83171 – Microgrid Controller Strategy. | 02/22/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-156-2021 | Please provide information on the financial obligations of Government of Newfoundland and Labrador arising from Muskrat Falls. | 02/12/2021 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-17-2021 | Please provide the following information for the Hydro Innovation & Productivity Team: | 01/11/2021 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-824-2020 – PART I | Please provide all documents on an agreement by Hydro/NL Power to build a transmission line from their Hydro facility into the Valentine GOld Project site in Central NL. | 11/27/2020 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-824-2020 – PART II | Please provide all documents on an agreement by Hydro/NL Power to build a transmission line from their Hydro facility into the Valentine GOld Project site in Central NL. | 11/27/2020 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-600-2020 | What is the firm capacity of the 824 MW power plant at Muskrat Falls if there is no Water Management Agreement (WMA) and what is the capacity with the WMA in place? Please explain in detail how this is possible to operate as designated (despite the Hydro Quebec court case loss. What will Hydro Quebec charge for Muskrat Falls help and what is the current status of the SM expected Hydro Quebec co-operation agreement? Also, what is the current status of lawsuits by Hydro Quebec regarding WMA and Nalcor Churchill Falls power? | 09/14/2020 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-566-2020 | Please provide details on the Churchill Falls and Hydro Quebec power contract renewal in 2041 and if the CF(L)Co shareholders agreement requires unanimous shareholder approval for shareholder votes. | 08/31/2020 | Nalcor Energy - Churchill Falls |
PB-567-2020 | Please provide the total legal fees paid by Nalcor Energy at the Muskrat Falls Inquiry for Ed Martin. Please also provide the name of the lawyer and the legal firm name. | 08/31/2020 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-564-2020 | For the last three fiscal years please provide information regarding payments to outside lawyers (including the names of the lawyers, description of legal services they provided and totals for the Nalcor group) and payments to outside accountants or auditors (including names the accountants or auditors, description of services they provided and totals for the Nalcor group). | 08/28/2020 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-558&509-2020 | Please provide a detailed listing (by payee and amount) of all Nalcor’s legal and other professional costs for the Muskrat Falls Inquiry. Please include the number of lawyers employed by Nalcor and the total cost per year for the last three fiscal years of the legal department, with a breakdown by expense category. | 08/27/2020 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-563-2020 | Please provide all emails regarding 5 Toronto Avenue, 21 Ottawa Avenue and 26 Ottawa Avenue in Happy Valley – Goose Bay between April 28, 2019 to August 24, 2020. Please also provide a copy or all relevant notes currently accessible relating to the properties noted above. | 08/27/2020 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-520-2020 | Please provide any reports regarding the diesel station fire in Charlottetown, Labrador on October 7, 2019. | 08/12/2020 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-286-2020 | Please provide all records regarding charitable donations Nalcor employees can make from their pay cheques to the Dollar A Day Foundation. Please also provide a list of the charities employees can donate to on their cheques and the number of employees that donate to each listed charity. | 07/20/2020 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-451-2020 | Please provide bid evaluation results for the following tender: Bid Number: 80882 JW - Design, Supply and Install Upgrades for the Churchill Falls Intake Crane Controls System. | 07/3/2020 | Nalcor Energy - Churchill Falls |
PB-414-2020 | What are the financial implications if Nalcor Energy refuses to start the Muskrat Falls generators? | 06/29/2020 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-413-2020 | Please provide any and all records concerning "A Dollar A Day" charitable organization including any correspondence involving the board chair, conflict of interest considerations, total amount collected by month for the charity via the Nalcor payroll system, etc. | 06/25/2020 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-209-2020 | Please provide details on the non-regulated NLH operation of $496.8 million. | 03/28/2020 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-134-2020 | Please provide the dividends from Hydro to Nalcor from 2014-2020 by year as well as the total dividends paid to Nalcor from 2003-2020. Please also provide the total Hydro dividends retained by Nalcor from 2003-2020. | 02/17/2020 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-118-2020 | Was Nalcor a part of the team assembled to determine and negotiate the best possible financial structure to achieve rate mitigation? If Nalcor was a part of this group, please provide details on the Nalcor members. If Nalcor was not a part of the NL Government group, why not? | 02/12/2020 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-102-2020 | Please provide emails between board members of Naclor Energy (and its subsidiaries/affiliates) regarding Aberdeen International Associates/Gordon McIntosh/a consulting contract related to Advance 2030 implementation. | 02/7/2020 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-34-2020 | If Nalcor sold power directly to New England, what is the current GHG emission credit per kilowatt/hour available for Muskrat Falls power? | 01/13/2020 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-951-2019 | Please provide the impact of using higher transmission losses, up to 10%, on the Muskrat Falls DG3 CPW. | 12/13/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Chucrhill Project |
PB-941-2019 | Please provide records related to expense claims submitted to Nalcor Energy and/or any of its subsidiaries and affiliates by Gordon McIntosh and/or Aberdeen International with respect to a consulting contract signed in early 2019. Please include claim forms and supporting receipts, documentation, telecommunication charges and travel. | 12/13/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-934-2019 | How much is currently owed by Nalcor as a proponent for incurred costs with regardless to the Bay du Nord project? | 12/10/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-933-2019 | Please provide all correspondence between the board of directors for Nalcor Energy and Natural Resources Minister, Siobhan Coady. This request is for records that reference Gordon McIntosh and/or Aberdeen International between July 1, 2018 through March 1, 2019 inclusive. | 12/10/2019 | Oil and Gas |
PB-935-2019 | Please provide information on the current rate per kwh and projected rates for the NS GHG emission credits, the USA GHG emissions, the sale of Churchill Falls recapture power to the USA. Please provide the current rate per kwh and the amount received in the last fiscal year. Also, are there any provisions for Nalcor to recoup the difference in value between GHG emission credits for power consumed in NS versus the potential US GHG emission credits that could be obtained if that power were to be resold into US markets by NS? | 12/9/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-917-2019 | Please provide a copy of the lease agreement between the Government and DF Barnes for the Bull Arm Fabrication site. | 12/3/2019 | Bull Arm |
PB-918-2019 | Please provide details of the lease agreement between Nalcor and DF Barnes regarding the work the company is currently doing at the Bull Arm fabrications site, including any special arrangements with trades unions. | 12/3/2019 | Bull Arm |
PB-901-2019 | Please provide copies of all employment contracts between Nalcor and Hydro and former CFO, Derrick Sturge, any confidentiality (or other agreements) signed on termination and the calculation of his severance/termination payments and other benefits to which he may be entitled. | 11/27/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-890-2019 | Please provide all records from Nalcor to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador relating to the decision to terminate Astaldi Canada Inc. from the Muskrat Falls Project. Please also include all records from Nalcor to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador relating to funding for the Muskrat Falls Project in 2018. | 11/25/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-888-2019 | Please provide information regarding section 14.4 of the Power Purchase Agreement and government and Hydro's financial obligations. | 11/25/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-889-2019 | Please provide all completed tender submissions received from all tenderers for Tender #80827 LD - Snow Clearing - Hydro Place - 2019-2020. | 11/22/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-887-2019 | Please provide a detailed listing of all trips taken by Mr. McIntosh/Aberdeen International Associates since contract signing? Please include dates, purpose of travel, locations visited and expense details per trip. Please include if the travel was economy class and if additional tracel expenses have also been paid by a Government department. | 11/21/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Oil and Gas |
PB-880-2019 | Please provide an update on the revenue requirements for the Island Interconnected System and other relevant information, similar to the information contained in the February 15, 2018 "Understanding Muskrat" presentation. | 11/18/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-864-2019 | Please provide a per month breakdown of all cell phone and communication expenses for consultant Gordon McIntosh. | 11/15/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Oil and Gas |
PB-869-2019 | What percent loss was used for the Labrador Island Link at winter peak? | 11/13/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-856-2019 | How much has been paid by Nalcor for the Bay du Nord oil project to date? If the project is not sanctioned does Nalcor get a refund of its payments? | 11/8/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-840-2019 | Please provide details on how Graham Dillabough's years of service were calculated and the total pay in lieu of termination from Nalcor Oil and Gas. | 11/1/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Oil and Gas |
PB-795-2019 | Please provide the total costs of salaries and benefits for the last five fiscal years for the 16 non-union Nalcor staff For the hydroelectric facilities on the Exploits River as well as the job description, current salary and benefits for each position. Please also provide a breakdown of union vs. non-union staff for the same. | 10/21/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-797-2019 | Will there be any USA green house gas emission credits for Nalcor and, if not, does Nova Scotia have to Nalcor for the lost green house gas emission credits in their purchase price for excess MF power? | 10/21/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-796-2019 | Please provide the job description for the operator who is currently operating Muskrat Falls for $375,000 a year. Please also explain how this salary was set and the number of years this job is needed. Please provide the annual payments to Manitoba Hydro and explain why Nalcor didn't train its own operators as suggested by the IBEW. | 10/18/2019 | Nalcor - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-793-2019 | Please provide, by year for the last five fiscal years, the Hydro wholesale price NL Power. Please provide the total charge to NL Power and provide the breakdown of the cost. Please also provide the wholesale price per KWH and what the percentage of the NL Power retail price is due to the Hydro wholesale power cost. | 10/17/2019 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-781-2019 | Did Nalcor use 92.1 MW? If not, please explain why and provide the annual cost per year for the first 10 years of Muskrat Falls to reach 92.1 MW. Should his additional cost be included in the Muskrat Falls costs to be mitigated? | 10/15/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Chucrhill Project |
PB-772-2019 | Has Nalcor asked Emera if they can supply 300 MW of backup power over the Maritime Link in the event of an extended LIL outage? Please provide the details, if so, or explain why not. Also, is there sufficient Transmission Line capacity to get 300 MW of Nova Scotia, Maritime Link power to the Avalon (please provide a total MW number if possible)? | 10/15/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-782-2019 | Please provide any records from June 1, 2019 to the current date that speak to any issues that Hydro-Quebec may have had with the integration of the Muskrat Falls Generation Station and the Labrador-Island link. | 10/15/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-770-2019 | For the six months ended 2019 why did energy sales drop from $27.6M to $15.2M? Please explain why in 2018 a loss of $2.1M was $4.2M? Does this suggest a lower export revenue for future sales of Muskrat Falls Power? | 10/11/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-771-2019 | What is the impact on island rates if Synapse's higher Labrador load occurs? What is the impact on external market sales revenue? | 10/11/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-767-2019 | With the delay in Muskrat Falls, what is the liability for providing the full Nova Scotia block at a later date and should this be included in Muskrat Falls rates to be mitigated? If Muskrat Falls does not reach its rated capacity in the early years, does Nova Scotia still receive 20 per cent of the rated capacity? Also, what is the end date in the Muskrat Falls and Nova Scotia agreement when the Muskrat Falls generation site is considered to be in service for the purposes of this agreement? | 10/10/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-768-2019 | With the delay in LIL, when does Nalcor have to start making payments to Emera for the Nalcor LIL guarantee? Please provide estimates of payments to Emera in regards to LIL for the first three years. | 10/10/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-769-2019 | For the past five fiscal years please provide the dollar value of power purchase from Hydro, the NEM export revenue and please provide details on the NEM export power purchased. | 10/10/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-735-2019 | Please provide the completed copy of the MOU Implementation Plan as well as expenses incurred by Nalcor once former DM McIntosh was contracted by Nalcor. Also, please provide the contract with Gordon McIntosh who was retained to advise Government/Nalcor including all expenses incurred since his engagement. | 10/1/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-728-2019 | Please provide all completed tender submissions received from all tenderers for Tender #76998 JW - Snow Clearing - Hydro Place for the past five years. | 09/30/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-732-2019 | Please provide the Planning Load Forecast in MW for each year (broken out separately) included in table 12, on page 295 of Hydro's Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study-Table 12. Please provide the total Labrador MW demand for the current year and the increase in MW required for Labrador per year, to 2030. | 09/30/2019 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro - Muskrat Falls |
PB-658-2019 | In relation to the NL Government Pension reform please provide by year, for the past five years, the following: the actuarial gains and loses; the past service cost; the amounts paid by Nalcor employees. Please also provide information on how Nalcor handled the section referring to both government and unions being responsible for the sustainability of the plan into the future and sharing equally in the surpluses and deficits. | 09/10/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-637-2019 | How many megawatts of the 300 MW of CFLco recall power will be used by Tata Steel Minerals Canada and how many megawatts will be needed for the Wabush reopening? Please also provide by year the increased MW of power required by Labrador's mining expansion to the year 2030. | 08/28/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Churchill Falls |
PB-633-2019 | Has Nalcor studied using wind and small hydro with the 222.9 MW peaking unit capacity to reduce the winter peak to save Holyrood fuel and reduce summer water spills? If so, please provide the reports and if not please explain why. Also, has Holyrood thermal plant area been studied for wind potential? If so, please provide the reports. | 08/26/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-602-2019 | Can insurance be obtained for the North Spur as required by the Federal Loan Guarantee? | 08/14/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-553-2019 | Please provide the transmission line megawatt capacity available to bring 300 MW of Nova Scotia Maritime Link power to the Avalon as reported in final report PB-066-2019. Please provide a copy of the studies referenced in PB-812-2018, the final report in the second quarter of 2019. | 07/19/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-541-2019 | Please provide all reports prepared and all meeting minutes in relation to Hydro's Innovation and Productivity initiative. Please also list all efficiency changes and waste elimination made with an estimate of the cost savings. | 07/16/2019 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-539-2019 | Please provide details of North Spur insurance including any information on liability insurance and information on how the 164mw free Muskrat Falls bloc to Nova Scotia would be affected if the North Spur collapses. Also, how the Emera LIL- Emera ROE True Up clause requires Nalcor to pay Emera if their LIL ROE is less than 8.5% after tax and how this could be affected if the North Spur collapses. | 07/15/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-540-2019 | Has Nalcor studied using wind and small hydro with the 222.9mw peaking unit capacity to reduce the winter peak? If so, please provide reports or discuss why not. Also, has the Holyrood thermal plant area been studied for wind potential? If so please provide reports. | 07/15/2019 | Nalcor Energy and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-524-2019 | Please provide the latest capital cost established for the Gull Island generating site including the cost per kwh and the latest report on cost. Please provide the latest capital cost established for a Gull Island transmission line through Quebec to Ontario including the cost per kwh and the latest report on cost. Please also provide the latest capital cost report for a 2250 mw transmission line from Quebec to the US including the cost per kwh. | 07/9/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-519-2019 | Multiple information requests regarding Muskrat Falls Revenue Requirements, MF and LTA return on equity deferrals, latest update on project financing costs, cost recovery methods and the latest allocations of equity and debt among each project component. | 07/3/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-518-2019 | Please provide the per year capital and operating costs for the years 2021 to 2025 to keep Holyrood open as a back up for Muskrat Falls LIL outages. Also, please provide the Holyrood costs in retail cents per kWh added to retail power bills for the same years. | 07/2/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-452-2019 | Has Nalcor had any working relationship with Israel Electric? If so please highlight the topic of the agreement. | 06/12/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-433-2019 | For 2018, please provide the actual salaries paid, short term incentive bonuses and overtime for the Internal Audit Department at Nalcor Energy and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. | 06/10/2019 | Nalcor Energy, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-423-2019 | Can you please provide a breakdown of the 31% Benefit and Burden Estimate outlined in the Nalcor internal audit. | 06/4/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-393-2019 | Please provide information regarding Nalcor officials' use of federal/provincial expense entitlements. Specifically in relation to air travel, per diem amounts and other travel regulations. | 05/24/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-353-2019 | Please outline the MF revenue requirements for the years 2070-2080. | 05/13/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-348-2019 | Please provide the following information for Nalcor and all subsidiary/related companies. Who does the internal audit department report to? Please provide a list of internal audit positions showing salary, benefits, overtime and bonuses for each position. Please provide all reports prepared by the internal audit department for the last 24 months and highlight who gets copies of these internal audit reports. | 05/6/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-296-2019 | How much money has been saved to the current date and what is the balance of the current projected future cost to offset the Muskrat Falls rate. Please also explain any difference from the $175 million projected savings. | 04/17/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-141-2019 | Please provide Nalcor's predicted EBITDA (pre-tax cash flow) and the projected GHG credits for the next 5 years and the rate of return assumptions used for the cash flow projection. Also, provide the rate assumptions for Muskrat Falls power and the total debt and annual debt service cost related to Muskrat. Please also provide the operating costs for Holyrood for the past five years and assumed operating costs annually post Muskrat Falls becoming operational. | 02/20/2019 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-095-2019 | Please provide the Nalcor bid evaluation and contracting strategy documentation for the same for 77404 VC-RFP-HVdc Engineering and Technical Support. | 02/7/2019 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-067-2019 | Please provide the actual amounts paid by Newfoundland Power customers for those in rural areas for the years 2012 to 2018. | 01/31/2019 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-001-2019 | Do diesel customers qualify for Newfoundland and Labrador Government energy programs, grants or loans? If so, please provide the amounts paid from 2012 to 2018. Would a separate heat pump program for diesel customers save money? Please describe the energy efficiency programs used in the diesel areas paying hydro rates. For 2012 to 2018 please provide, by year, the subsidy paid by NL Power customers for diesel customers on electric heat rates as if on Hydro. | 01/30/2019 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-002-2019 | Please provide, by year, from 2014 to 2018 Hydro sales to NL Power both for KWH per year and in dollar amount per year. | 01/30/2019 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-066-2019 | Please provide the Transmission Line MW capacity available to bring 300 MW of Nova Scotia Maritime Link power to the Avalon as reported in the final Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro report of early January 2019. | 01/30/2019 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-017-2019 | Please provide by year (from 2008-2018) for the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station the number of barrels of oil burned at Holyrood, the average cost per barrel of oil and the total cost of oil per year. Please also provide the annual kwh generated by Holyrood per year, the percentage of Holyrood in the total island electricity production and the Holyrood percentage of the total island generation at system peak. | 01/3/2019 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-972-2018 | Please provide the public reports which show that Nalcor advised the public that 76 MW of no cost recall was used for Muskrat Falls costing purposes. | 12/24/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-973-2018 | Please provide a copy of Nalcor's monthly cash expenditures as recorded in Nalcor's accounting records for the period January 2016 through October 2018. | 12/21/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-954-2018 | This request outlines ten questions regarding the comparison of MHI's October 2012 report (p.16 chart 4) with Stan Marshall's update at Memorial University on February 15, 2018 (p.25). | 12/19/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-945-2018 | Has the Muskrat Falls Corporation used the Gull Island water rights as part of the security provided for the Muskrat Falls bonds? If so, how will this impact the future development of Gull Island? | 12/17/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-946-2018 | Please provide the reports by Nalcor which show that 300 MW of Nova Scotia backup power via the Maritime Link will be available for NL if needed in a LIL outage? Also, has Nalcor asked Emera directly if they can supply 300 MW of backup power over the Maritime Link to NL if LIL has an extended winter outage if the outage lasts more than one month? | 12/17/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-944-2018 | Please provide all documentation and methodology that went into the preparation of the benefits table provided in response to PB-519-2015 and appears as Exhibit P-00254 for the Muskrat Falls Inquiry. | 12/17/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-947-2018 | Please provide copies of reports regarding back up power supply for the Avalon (one month of more possible in remote areas) from two years prior to Muskrat Falls sanction up to the present. | 12/15/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-936-2018 | Please provide the estimated savings per year to the present if the plan for TL 267 to get 176 MW of existing hydro energy to the Avalon had proceeded as planned to displace Holyrood Fuel. Please also provide the Hydro reports showing the cost did not justify the savings in regards to the TL 267 in 2011. | 12/11/2018 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-912-2018 | The Muskrat Falls DG3 CPW was $8.4 billion. Please provide the impact of using higher transmission losses, up to 10%, on the Muskrat Falls DG3 CPW. | 12/3/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-915-2018 | If operating and maintenance cost of $109 million was used, what would be the increased Muskrat Falls CPW (with Muskrat Falls DG3 CPW at $8.4 billion)? | 12/3/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-903-2018 | Please update PB-32-2018 to include the Wabush Mine in Labrador. | 11/28/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-902-2018 | Please provide the dollar amount of the original Astaldi bid for the Muskrat Falls generation site. Please provide the names and dollar amounts of the other bidders. | 11/26/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-892-2018 | Please provide separate costs for the ESP and scrubbers (total $680.5 million) and how much money has been spent on ESP since DG# CPW? | 11/23/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-880-2018 | Please provide a summary of contract history between Nalcor and WGKNOX Project Supervision Inc., the selection criteria used to select them to provide services for the Muskrat Falls Project and the roles/responsibilities of the individuals who performed services under this contract. Please also list the material/equipment provided by the contractor and Nalcor for this contract as well as the insurance requirements for the contractor and a summary of any potential re-assignments, secondments and performance reviews.Please also provide the total compensation amount by year since the start of this contractual relationship. | 11/19/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-879-2018 | Please provide, by year, from 2007 to the present, the payments made to Westney Consulting with a description of the work performed. | 11/16/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-856-2018 | Does the Holyrood thermal station meet federal and provincial regulations for nitrous oxide emissions? Please provide nitrous oxide emissions for the last five years and the money spent to reduce these emissions. | 11/9/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-852-2018 | For the Muskrat Falls Isolated Island option please provide the dollar amount included in the Muskrat Falls DG3 CPW for the unnecessary Holyrood scrubber. | 11/7/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-836-2018 | Please provide detailed invoices for Nalcor's legal fees of the $5.8 million up to September 2018 for the Supreme Court case HQ and detailed invoices for any other Nalcor costs related to this case. Please provide detailed invoices for Nalcor's legal fees from September to the current date. Please provide total costs by law firm for both as well. | 11/5/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-812-2018 | Is there sufficient transmission line capacity to bring 300 MW of Nova Scotia Maritime Link power to the Avalon if needed during the winter due to LIL failure? | 10/29/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-813-2018 | Low early year revenues can cause the debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) to be below Nalcor's 1.40 target. Due to this an LRA is put in place to provide a liquidity buffer for lender's benefits and the LRA is taken into account in the DSCR calculations. Is this due to PPA back end loading? Also, please explain the LRA and if the federal government required this for the Federal Loan Guarantee. | 10/29/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-786-2018 | What is the impact on DG3 CPW for not using actual cash costs for PPA (Muskrat Falls site, LTA)? And is TL on a COS basis? | 10/22/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-787-2018 | Does the obligation by Nalcor to provide open access to its transmission facilities mean that Hydro Quebec can sell power directly to NL Power; Industrial customers in Labrador; Industrial customers on the island? | 10/22/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-785-2018 | Please provide the names of the consults that Nalcor used for the Muskrat Falls PPA agreement and the payments that were made to these consultants. Please also provide all reports that were prepared by these Muskrat Falls PPA consultants. | 10/20/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-748-2018 | How much money has been spent on Gull Island to date with regards to land clearing, road construction and any other preliminary related infrastructure at Gull Island by Nalcor? | 10/9/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-749-2018 | Please provide the current Astaldi estimate for the completed Muskrat Falls contract and outline the changes by date and dollar amount from the original $1.1B contract to show how Astaldi then arrived at the current estimate. Please provide detailed reasons for each of the changes. | 10/9/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-731-2018 | Please provide a complete list of business financial assistance programs. For 2015, 2016 and 2017 please include the name of the program, total budget, total marketing spending, total number of private sector companies and self employed individuals who applied for funding based on company size, total who received funding and the total approved funding. | 10/1/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-735-2018 | Has the cost to purchase the 76MW to fill the LIL line been costed in the Muskrat Falls power rates and please provide the cost of this per year for 50 years. | 10/1/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-736-2018 | Based on the projected Muskrat Falls cost of $12.7B please provide by year from 2021 to 2081 the projected customer retail power rate (including HST) in cents/kwh and the projected Nalcor profit per kwh included in the customer retail rate in cents/kwh (in cents per customer retail rate kwh). | 10/1/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project; Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-716-2018 | Please provide the Manitoba Hydro International (MHI) Decision Gate 3 (DG3) report on Muskrat Falls. How much could the cumulative percent worth (CPW) for the isolated option be reduced if the unnecessary Holyrood SO environmental work was eliminated? | 09/24/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-698-2018 | Please provide the report(s) on the hydro peaking unit capacity at Bay d'Espoir and Cat Arm. | 09/17/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-697-2018 | Please provide multiple projections for the years 2019-70, including load growth projections used by Nalcor, revised revenue requirements and the AFUDC for Muskrat Falls, LTA and LIL, among others. | 09/12/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-651-2018 | Without releasing any privileged contractual information please provide Contract 2018-73829JW that Nalcor awarded to Johnson Controls on July 3, 2018. | 08/27/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Churchill Falls |
PB-683-2018 | Please provide the contracts that Nalcor and its affiliates has or have had with Johnson Controls for the period of January 2978 to present. | 08/20/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-597-2018 | Request for all data on wiring and fiber optic cabling/data interconnection and terminations within your department from May 1, 2016 to current. | 08/2/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-583-2018 | Please provide a copy of any report(s) prepared by Thierry Vandal that were filed in Quebec Superior Court with the file number 500-17-078217-133. | 07/27/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Churchill Falls |
PB-577-2018 | Requesting all information and documents provided to Nalcor Energy from Emera Inc. in relation to the Maritime Link Project. | 07/24/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-574-2018 | Please provide all records related to Rate Mitigation from the last 18 months including any studies or reports on the various options being considered by Nalcor. | 07/23/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-567-2018 | Please provide an updated version of the documents provided in response to File # PB-443-2017, including updated end dates for embedded contractors on the Lower Churchill Project, hours billed to present and total amounts paid to each contractor. | 07/20/2018 | Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project |
PB-553-2018 | Please update the table in PB-91-2018 with a column for fringe benefits for the 17 staff in Corporate Services, Financial Services and Regulatory Affairs for NLH. Please provide by position for the last 5 years. | 07/16/2018 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-541-2018 | Please provide an updated table showing the data behind Figure 1 of the November 10, 2011 Submission to the Public Utilities Board for the period 1970 to 2017, separating out residential, general service and industry load served by each of NLH and NP. | 07/9/2018 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-540-2018 | Please provide the most recent report comparing Nalcor salaries and benefits to the other Atlantic provinces utilities. Please do the same for Hydro. Also, please provide the most recent report comparing Hydro salaries and benefits to NL Power. | 07/6/2018 | Nalcor Energy and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-506-2018 | Please provide the mandated document provided by Nalcor which outlines that the Independent Engineer (IE) that Nalcor has no contractual or other relationship with the IE other than the obligation to pay the fees of the IE. | 06/29/2018 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-499-2018 | Which company/companies was awarded and/or performed the works associated with Nalcor RFP SH0051? | 06/27/2018 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-491-2018 | Request for notes of a meeting held by former CEO Ed Martin with senior executives on April 14, 2011 to discuss Muskrat Falls. | 06/22/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-402-2018 | Please provide all data connected with these new boreholes and any analysis done by Nalcor or their contractors/experts on the soil/material contained within the core samples. | 05/30/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-242-2018 | Please provide information on government's invested equity. | 03/19/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-231-2018 | All documents and correspondence created between January 01, 2011 - Dec 31, 2011 between Ed Martin, Gil Bennett, Rob Henderson and between all officers and directors of Nalcor and subsidiaries re the MF PUB terms of reference. | 03/19/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-200-2018 | All documentation | 03/6/2018 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-173-2018 | Information related to Geotechnical Peer Review of Dr S Bernander's Reports and Analysis of the North Spur. | 02/26/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-149-2018 | 1. When will Nalcor make the LIL a regulated utility? | 02/20/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-148-2018 | Provide re Nalcor/Emera MF LIL agreements- | 02/20/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-154-2018 | 1. Why doesn't Emera pay corporate income taxes from 2018 - 2037 on the LIL? | 02/19/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-144-2018 and PB-147-2018 | PB-144-2018 PB-147-2018 | 02/19/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-150-2018 | Information regarding Section 5.15 Tax Adjustment True Up | 02/19/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-129-2018 | Concerns, questions and complaints from workers, government and community members regarding hiring by recruitment agencies at the MF Lower Churchill project. | 02/14/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-126-2018 | Provide by year from 2018-2060 Nalcor's cash received from its Hebron 4.9% equity stake. | 02/12/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-114-2018 | Provide explanation for 180 employees increase Mar 31, 2017 to Sept 30, 2017 | 02/8/2018 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-65-2018 | 1. Provide the page number in LIL agreement on an estimate of Emera's total income tax costs has been included in the projected MF power rates but it has not been broken down between the federal and provincial components | 02/1/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-97-2018 | A list of items purchased from Grand and Toy from August 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017. | 01/30/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-91-2018 | For the 17 staff in Corporate Services, Financial Services, Regulatory Affairs for NLH, please provide by position for last 5 years: | 01/29/2018 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-74-2018 | Copies of the Corporation's records and files pertaining to the extension of the main electrical distribution line located on route 92 (North Harbour Road) and within the community infilling limits of a municipality at Branch, NL. | 01/24/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-62-2018 | 1. Provide details of why Emera's net income is 1.51 cents per kwh | 01/22/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-61-2018 | Provide the corporate tax rate use for Emera for the first 5 years of the LIL. | 01/22/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-56-2018 | Provide the LIL cost of Emera's total income tax cost by year - from 2018-2072 | 01/19/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-55-2018 | Please provide a copy of the Collateral Agency Agreement referred to in the 29 November 2013 MF Equity Support Agreement. | 01/19/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-33-2018 | Please provide: | 01/15/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-31-2018 | Based on a $12.7B MF cost, update the 36.1 cents per kwh. | 01/15/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-32-2018 | Has the cost to purchase the 76 MW to fill the LIL line been costed in the MF power rates? | 01/15/2018 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-846-2017 | Payments following the commissioning of the Muskrat Falls Generating Plant, the Labrador-Island Link and Labrador Transmission assets that occur between Nalcor, Emera and/or subsidiaries of Emera pursuant to the November 29, 2013 agreement. | 11/20/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-771-2017 | The English translation of the Memoire de L'Intimee filed by Hydro Quebec in the Supreme Court of Canada proceeding the case number 37238. | 10/23/2017 | Churchill Falls |
PB-756-2017 and PB-759-2017 | Daily environmental reports that reference sightings, interactions and consequences that relate to black bear encounters and relocation efforts as part of the construction of the Lower Churchill Project. All date related to Furbearer sightings and interactions for the Lower Churchill Project. | 10/20/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-757-2017 | Pre-impoundment beaver colony surveys for the Lower Churchill Project and related data and correspondence. | 10/20/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-760-2017 | All GHG activity data from the reporting of fuel consumption for the Lower Churchill Project. | 10/20/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-763-2017 | Telemetry collar data of Collard Caribou with buffers around the Lower Churchill Project Footprint. | 10/20/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-740-2017 | For the Labrador-Island Link provide for each year from 2021 to 2070 the return on equity and the amount for Emera and the return on equity and the amount for Nalcor. | 10/12/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-702-2017 | Annual MFLTA payment, annual Labrador-Island-Link payment and total of those payments for each year from 2012 to 2069. | 09/26/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-693-2017 | Data relating to ice thickness on the Churchill river downstream of Muskrat Falls. | 09/18/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-651-2017 | Cost projections for Muskrat Falls. | 09/5/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-650-2017 | A list of items purchased from Grand and Toy Limited for the Lower Churchill Project between June 1, 2017 and July 31, 2017. | 08/30/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-635-2017 | Any and all communications to/from Stan Marshall and/or Jim Haynes from January 1, 2017, to present regarding rate mitigation. | 08/25/2017 | Nalcor Energy, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-638-2017 | Any and all communications to/from Gilbert Bennett regarding methylmercury in Lake Melville for the period of May 1, 2017 to present. | 08/25/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-633-2017 | Any documents showing potential future revenue from the Lower Churchill Project (Phase 1) for January 1, 2013 to present. | 08/25/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-634-2017 | Any and all communication to/from Stan Marshall from January 1, 2017 to present regarding US energy markets. | 08/25/2017 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-636-2017 | A list of recorded incidents for the Lower Churchill Project resulting in lost-time injuries. | 08/25/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-637-2017 | A list of all meetings and scheduled calls between Stan Marshall and Premier Dwight Ball and Stan Marshall and Siobhan Coady from January 1, 2017 to present. | 08/25/2017 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-639-2017 | Any and all communication to/from Stan Marshall and/or Jim Haynes from January 1, 2017 to present regarding interconnection of the Island Interconnected System and the North American electrical GRID in relation to cyber security. | 08/25/2017 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-602-2017 | A complete list of contractors employed on the Lower Churchill Project (Phase 1), showing the amount paid to each contractor to date. | 08/18/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-556-2017 | Internal assessment of Mud Lake flooding. | 08/15/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-592-2017 | All information relating to bonds set aside for loss of Habitat under Environmental Assessment for the Lower Churchill Project. | 08/15/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-563-2017 | Briefing notes and information relating to Terra Nova/Suncor Energy royalty regime. | 08/9/2017 | Nalcor Energy, Oil and Gas |
PB-555-2017 | Request for equity return details as outlined in the 2015 budget speech. | 08/3/2017 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-491-2017 | Nalcor Energy procurement policies from 2010 to 2017. | 07/12/2017 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-492-2017 | Organizational charts for the Lower Churchill Management Corporation Delivery Team fro 2016 and 2017. | 07/12/2017 | Lower Chuchill Project |
PB-450-2017 | Cell phone bills for Stan Marshall since April 2016. | 06/29/2017 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-441-2017 | A list of all contracts awarded by Nalcor Energy and any of its subsidiaries for any part of the Lower Churchill Project, along with the company the contract was awarded to, the awarded value of the contract, and the final total amount paid out for all contracts that have been completed. | 06/28/2017 | Nalcor Energy, Lowerr Churchill Project |
PB-443-2017 | List of people who have done work for Nalcor or any of its subsidiaries on a professional services contract between 2010 and 2017. | 06/28/2017 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-382-2017 | The Lower Churchill Project Impacts and Benefits Agreements. | 06/15/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-396-2017 | A list of items purchased from Grand and Toy Limited for the period from October 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017 restricted to items purchased by Muskrat Falls Corporation. | 06/15/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-234-2017 | Any and all records relating to clean up, removal and remediation of the site of the former Newfoundland Hydro diesel generating plant in Rencontre East. | 05/15/2017 | Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-177-2017 | A copy of the Report into the collapse of concrete framework at the Muskrat Falls Site reported to have occurred on May 29-30, 2016. | 04/24/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-127-2017 | Any documentation or communications regarding compensation for Mark MacLeod, James Hillyard, Christopher Hickman, Ann Marie Hann, John Green, Brendan Paddick. | 03/31/2017 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-126-2017 | Any communication and documentation regarding a proposed name change for CF(L)Co. | 03/31/2017 | Churchill Falls |
PB-125-2017 | Any records pertaining to 'permafrost' and/or 'ground frost' and/or 'frozen ground' in Labrador. I am looking for records which include communications related to, information about or data relating to the above keywords. This request includes relevant information or communications by contractors such as Valard who did encounter frozen ground during transmission right-of-way construction in Labrador and during a comprehensive drilling program conducted across Labrador. | 03/29/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-62-2017 | A breakdown of all costs associated with the Muskrat Falls Protests from October 1 to present. | 03/6/2017 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-849-2016 | Please provide a copy of the report into the collapse of concrete framework described by VP Gilbert Bennett "to look at all aspects of the work and understand what the root cause was". | 12/28/2016 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-850-2016 | Please provide a copy of the revised or amended loan guarantee agreement with the federal government which extends the loan guarantee to $7.9 billion dollars for the NL component of the Muskrat Falls project. | 12/28/2016 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-797-2016 | Please advise which company was awarded the contract to complete the work for the Lower Churchill Muskrat Falls Hydroelectric Development CH0031 to Supply and Install Mechanical and Electrical Auxiliaries - HVAC. | 11/18/2016 | Lower Churchill Project |
PB-200-2016 | The name, job title and corresponding total taxable income for the 2015 tax year for all Nalcor Energy employees earning more than $100,000. | 09/2/2016 | Nalcor |
PB-425-2016 | Please provide an allocation of Mr. Martin’s severance payment among the various lines of business of Nalcor Energy, including the amount which will be charged to ratepayers for power purchased from Hydro, both power purchased directly from Hydro, in regions of the province served directly by Hydro and for power sold to Newfoundland Power, for distribution to ratepayers within its service area. | 05/20/2016 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-432-2016 | Details of all payments to Ed Martin on or since April 20, 2016. | 05/20/2016 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-200-2016 | The name, job title and corresponding total taxable income for the 2015 tax year for all Nalcor Energy employees earning more than $100,000. | 04/5/2016 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-172-2016 | Questions relating to the Muskrat Falls Financing. | 03/29/2016 | Nalcor Energy, Lower Churchill Project |
PB-576-2015 | Estimate of Hydro's revenue requirement for the first full year after commissioning of the Muskrat Falls Project and each of the subsequent 50 years, as well as wholesale rates and retail rates charged by Newfoundland Power. | 01/13/2016 | Nalcor Energy, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-185-2015 | All records relating to the investment/participation in the multi-client TGS/PGS surveys including revenues, payments, agreements, communications, accounting records, income to Nalcor, return of capital/investment to Nalcor, sales information. | 07/3/2015 | Nalcor Energy, Nalcor Oil & Gas |
PB-181-2015 | All legal fees paid by Nalcor for fiscal years 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15, listed by firm. | 05/22/2015 | Nalcor Energy |
PB-133-2015 | The amount of money spent on marketing and advertising in budget years 2013/14 and 2014/15, as well as a detailed breakdown of money spent on We Are Ready campaign. | 05/8/2015 | Nalcor Energy, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro |
PB-843-2018 | 02/14/2025 | ||
PB-892-2018 | 02/14/2025 | ||
PB-945-2018 | 02/14/2025 | ||
PB-687-2021 | 02/14/2025 | ||
PB-404-2018 | Request for Expressions of Interest and Proposals Lower Churchill Hydro Resource, January 2005 | 02/14/2025 |