Hurricane Season: How Hydro prepares in advance for stormy weather
August 28, 2024
Newfoundlanders and Labradorians know all too well the kind of damage that severe weather events can cause.
For Hydro, that means that being safe and being prepared are always top of mind. As the primary electricity provider in the province, we have to be prepared for all sorts of inclement weather, from windstorms, to winter blizzards, to post-tropical storms and hurricanes.
“When stormy weather is on the way, our system operators, constantly monitor detailed weather forecasts, track approaching storms and significant weather events, and coordinate efforts across the company to ensure all the necessary steps are taken so our provincial electricity system is prepared and ready to respond,” says Jason Tobin, Senior Manager of Operations and Integrated Support (pictured here).
When a storm is approaching, teams all across Hydro take action. We begin implementing severe weather preparedness protocols, either on a regional or province-wide basis, particularly when weather watches or warnings are issued,” Tobin notes.
Storm planning meetings ensure everyone is in the loop. “We’ll complete a full series of preparations,” Tobin adds. “Critical personnel are mobilized, where needed, and line patrol crews and other field staff are stationed and at the ready. Our fleet vehicles are fueled up, stocked with supplies and equipment, and ready to be deployed, and we test our back-up generation. Our Energy Control Centre is always on alert and monitoring the electricity system closely, 24 hours a day.”
Wherever issues arise, crews respond as quickly as possible, without compromising safety. They are often out working in the worst kind of weather to investigate and troubleshoot the problem, and make repairs to restore service for our customers. Sometimes the cause of an outage is easily fixed. Other times, it can be very challenging, due to the extent of the damage or the repair work required – or other factors such as hazardous weather conditions or a remote location.
Tobin notes that, due to the nature of their jobs, ensuring safety and providing reliable service to customers is always top of mind for teams at Hydro. But when a hurricane or other severe weather event is on the way, it’s important that everyone is prepared and stays safe:

In the event of a power outage, stay safe:
• Don’t touch or go near fallen power lines.
• Don’t use camp stoves or barbecues indoors as they produce carbon monoxide.
• Don’t plug a portable generator into the wiring system of a home or building. This could result in serious injury to utility workers.