Annual Electricity Rate Change Delayed 

July 2, 2024

July 1, 2024

Electricity rate adjustments are typically implemented on July 1 of each year for Island Interconnected, L’Anse au Loup and Isolated Rural customers. This year, we do not expect for any rate change to come into effect before August 1.

The Public Utilities Board Newfoundland and Labrador (PUB) regulates the electrical utilities in our province. All rates must be approved by the PUB.

This year, rate applications by Hydro, as well as Newfoundland Power were submitted following the Province’s sharing of the Muskrat Falls rate mitigation plan. The PUB is now reviewing these applications.

We understand customers continue to be concerned about electricity rates. Our priority is to provide safe, cost-conscious and reliable services while meeting our commitment to a net-zero electricity system.