UPDATE – Power Watch Lifted 

March 13, 2017

Update March 13, 9:30AM – Power Watch Lifted

Hydro is advising that there are no longer any power alerts for the Avalon Peninsula.  The Power Watch has been lifted this morning.

System generation is adequate to supply customers and the transmission line from Bay d’Espoir to the Avalon Peninsula, which was damaged during Saturday’s Hurricane winds, has also been returned to service.

Once again, we wish to thank customers for their continued understanding and support over the past few days.

Pockets of customers remain offline on the distribution system, but crews are working diligently to get everything restored as soon as possible.  Please check your appropriate service provider for details on estimated restoration times:




Update March 12, 2017 6:00PM – Power Warning Lifted

Holyrood Unit 1 has now been returned to service and is available to serve customers.  Therefore, we are no longer asking for conservation from our customers however we continue to monitor the system closely and remain in a Power Watch.

A big thank you to customers who conserved power over the last few hours.

Generation is available to fully meet customer needs, however there are still pockets of outages due to storm damage.  We’d like to remind customers who are currently without power to ensure most lights and appliances are off and turn down thermostats in unused rooms. This will help with “cold load pick up” and ensures the system remains stable as more customers get their power back.

Please check your appropriate service provider for details on estimated restoration times:



Thank you for your continued patience and the support shown for our crews as work was completed to deal with the issues caused by this weekend’s storm.


UPDATE March 12, 2017 12:00

Power Warning now in effect for the Avalon Peninsula

Hydro is now asking customers on the Avalon Peninsula to conserve electricity where possible.  This will allow us to continue to bring back power for customers who have been without power since yesterday.

Holyrood Unit 1 remains offline but is being brought back online slowly this afternoon.  Progress for bringing this unit back online has been delayed due to an issue in the Holyrood switchyard caused by salt on equipment from the extreme hurricane winds over the past 24 hours.

Here’s the best way to conserve:

  • Reduce heat by just a few degrees
  • Avoid appliances that use hot water
  • Turn off lighting

Hydro will continue to provide information through its website and social media channels – www.nlhydro.com , http://www.twitter.com/NLHydro and www.facebook.com/NLhydro.


UPDATE March 12, 2017 8:30am: Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro) is advising that a Power Watch is in effect for the Avalon Peninsula.

Following the stormy conditions yesterday, Hydro is watching the system closely and will be communicating frequently with customers through today.  Hydro currently has one unit at Holyrood unit offline that is being brought back this morning.  As reported yesterday, Hydro also has one transmission line to the Avalon Peninsula offline.  This is not causing any system issues, as there is another parallel line, providing service.  Hydro does not anticipate any issue with supply, however is watching the system very closely.

Cold temperatures are also expected to lead to increased customer usage today and this is compounded by “cold load pick up” – which occurs when cold houses/areas that have been without power for some time, are brought back online and require a larger than normal amount of power. Hydro is working closely with Newfoundland Power to bring customers back as their repairs are completed.  Customers who are currently without power are asked to ensure most lights and appliances are off and turn down thermostats in unused rooms.  This will help ensure the system remains stable as  more customers get their power back.

Hydro also has a transmission line to the Burin Peninsula which sustained damage yesterday that is currently being patrolled to determine the cause and begin repairs. There are approximately 1800 Hydro and Newfoundland Power customers who remain without power due to this outage. There is no time available yet for restoration.

Hydro will continue to provide information through its website and social media channels – www.nlhydro.com , http://www.twitter.com/NLHydro and www.facebook.com/NLhydro.