Public Safety Advisory – Controlled Release of Water, Granite Canal Area
March 7, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro) is advising residents, cabin owners and travellers that controlled water release is occurring in the Granite Canal area accessed from Central Newfoundland. Controlled releases are being made at the Granite Canal Bypass Structure, the Granite Canal Spillway and the Granite Overflow Dykes along Burnt Dam access road into Grey River.
Granite Reservoir is small, with very little storage volume. Intense rainfall and rapidly melting snow can lead to inflows greater than the capacity of the usual outlet structures and therefore require bypass or spill of water. Water will flow downstream, ultimately ending up in the Meelpaeg reservoir where it will be stored and can be used as energy.
The possibility of release at the Burnt Dam Spillway into the White Bear River in the Burnt Pond and White Bear River areas of Central and Southern Newfoundland is ended for now.
People are advised to use these areas with great caution as water levels may be unpredictable. Water releases at spillways could begin at any time.