Public Advisory – Island Interconnected Customers
January 5, 2014
In an effort to assist with increasing load on the system, Hydro will begin rotating customers for outages lasting approximately 60 minutes.
Outages will occur in the following order:
1. Plum Point and Bear Cove
2. Wiltondale and Rocky Harbour
3. St. Alban’s
4. Roddickton and South Brook areas
All available resources are working towards restoration of power to customers. Hydro is working closely with Newfoundland Power to restore customers as generation becomes available.
As we restore customers, heavy and cold loads may increase the possibility of system interruptions. Customers with power may continue to have periodic power interruptions.
Hydro is urging customers to continue their conservation efforts and avoid unnecessary electricity usage. In particular, customers can do the following to avoid a large surge to the system when power is restored:
• Turn off unnecessary thermostats and lights
• Turn off the hot water breaker
• Unplug electrical appliances
• Slowly turn up heat once power is restored to your home.
For information on outages please visit call Hydro’s Customer Service Centre at 1-888-737-1296 or visit the website at