Planning for the Island
We need to consider both transmission and generation assets to meet the expected demand, while safeguarding the reliability of the electricity grid. Our plan includes only what we must urgently do to prepare for load growth and maintain the reliable service our customers expect—and deserve.
Below are the solutions we will continue moving forward to increase both capacity and energy on the Island Interconnected System.

More Hydro Capacity:
Bay d’Espoir Unit 8
~150 MW
One option for increasing capacity is an additional unit at our Bay d’Espoir Hydroelectric Generating Station. Hydro has been advancing the Front-End Planning and Engineering to ensure we have all the evidence needed to support our application to build. Adding to the efficiency of the project is that it would be within the footprint of the existing facility. This new unit also supports reliability of service for customers.

Maintain Reliability:
Combustion Turbine
~150 MW
Another option, critical for ensuring reliable backup generation and meeting demand during peak times are combustion turbines on the Avalon. This solution has the ability to use renewable fuels, once they are reliably available in our region. We have been advancing the Front-End Planning and Engineering, as well as the Environmental Assessment process to ensure we have all the evidence needed to support our build application.

More Energy:
Wind Integration
~1.4 TWh
Electrification and transition to non-emitting sources is also driving the need for more energy, which two years ago wasn’t predicted by the modelling. We will continue to engage with existing and new wind proponents to explore wind integration and expect to issue an Expression of interest for Energy next year.
A New Approach to Major Projects
One of the key lessons learned from the Muskrat Falls Inquiry was to ensure that more of the upfront planning and supporting evidence was gathered and made available for external examination prior to moving forward with construction. That is exactly what Hydro is now doing—we have explored many potential solutions for what is viable and we will continue to fully vet these options before submitting applications for the right solutions to our regulator.
Informed by the Inquiry, and to prepare to bring these new sources of supply online, we have formed a Major Projects Team comprised of experienced subject matter experts from across our organization, and across a variety of professional trades and corporate services. This team will be supplemented by experts as necessary, with oversight of Hydro’s Executive and Board of Directors.