Power Outage Advisory – Upper Lake Melville 

November 26, 2021

Final Update – 12:00Am

Power has now been restored, through the new transmission line, for all customers in the Upper Lake Melville area. We know it has been a very challenging couple of days. A sincere thank you for your understanding as our crews worked through very harsh conditions, and unexpected issues, to get the power system  restored.


10:30PM Update

Our crews continue to work to repair an equipment setting that has hindered restoration for customers in Labrador East. During restoration we experienced a trip due to cold load pick up, but crews have made progress and will soon attempt restoration again. Thank you for your continued patience, we will provide updates as they become available.

5:30PM  Update

We’ve started the process of bringing customers back online.  This will be a slow and steady process.   We ask our customers to please switch off appliances & dial back electric heat by a couple of degrees.  Once your power returns, please wait 10 minutes before turning up heat to avoid overloading the system.

We anticipate power will be restored by approximately 7pm.  Here is information about what happens when we pick up cold loads – https://nlhydro.com/good-to-know/cold-load-pickup/

11:15 AM Update

This morning we will be attempting to transfer power for some customers on our back up generator.

Some customers who have had power since yesterday may be coming offline this morning, while others who have been without since the outage began will come online.

Going offline

– Commercial Street, Corte Real Road (From Grenfell St to Saunders St, even numbers), Elizabeth Ave, a portion of Hamilton River Road (From Montagnais Street to the corner of Markland), a portion of Markland (From Corte Real Road to Hamilton River Road), Montagnais Street, the Whole Community of Mudlake including Mudlake Road, Paddon Road, Perrault Place, Riverview Drive, Saunders & Traverspine Road
– A portion of Cabot Cres (From Markland Road to K Street), Cook Street, & a portion of Green Street (From the Old liquor store to Hamilton River Road)

– All Spruce Park

Coming Online

Burry Cres, Chaulk Street, Cooper Cres, the Labrador Correctional Center, Davis Cres, Deharving (all even numbers), Gear Street, a portion of Green Street (Voisey’s bakery to Palliser Cres, #4 to #14 Even, #23 to #25 Odd), Hope Street, Hunt Street, Morris Street, Oliver Street, Pallier Cres, Pleasant, Roberts Road, a portion of Tenth Street (From Hunt Street to Roberts Road), #2 to #24 even numbers on White Cres, #1 to #71 odd and all even numbers on Windsor Drive, and Winters Cres.
For more information, please call our customer service team at 1-888-737-1296


November 26, 2021
9:00 AM Update

Throughout the night we continued to add customers to our back-up generator. Our crews were back on the transmission line at first light today investigating the issue.

As we continue to look for, and initiate repairs, we will be implementing our backup plan to connect the Happy Valley Goose Bay system in to the Muskrat Falls terminal station.

This move will provide more reliable service for the coming winter and beyond. We anticipate a return to power at approximately 7 pm, but will provide updates throughout the day. Please follow Hydro’s social media channels for updates.

We recognize this is a difficult situation for many of our customers and we thank you for your continued patience as our crews work to safely restore power.


November 25, 2021 7:00 PM  – Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro) advises the customers in Happy Valley Goose Bay, Sheshatshiu and North West River that while we continue to bring customers online, some will remain without power overnight. We have worked to ensure essential services are available, and that there are grocery stores and restaurants with power.

Crews have been patrolling the transmission line from Churchill Falls since early this morning, by snow mobile, but have not located the source of the issue.  Unfortunately, the weather has prevented our crews from flying the transmission line. We will begin work at first light tomorrow in an effort to get the full system restored.

We understand that a long outage is very hard on our customers.  We will continue to bring customers back online through our back-up generator – slowly, to ensure we do not jeopardize stability of the unit.

Customers are reminded to implement measures to stay safe.  Safety information can be found at here, and at GetPrepared.gc.ca and Inspection.gc.ca.

Some tips for staying safe during a power outage:

  • Never use generators, camp stoves or barbecues indoors.
  • Do not plug a portable generator into the wiring system of a home or building.
  • Do not open the refrigerator or freezer door unless absolutely necessary in order to maintain the cold temperature.
  • A full freezer will keep food frozen for about 48 hours. A freezer that is half full will keep food frozen for about 24 hours.
  • Check social media and listen to the radio for updates and information.

Customers can get further updates on the Power Outages phone line at 1-888-737-1296.