Power Restored to Change Islands 

February 10, 2016

1:45PM – Power is now restored to our customers in Change Islands. Thank you for your patience during this outage.


Update 1:30PM – Crews arrived in Change Islands and completed assessment. Issue found with broken guy wire and restoration expected by about 2:30. Thanks for your patience.


Update 11AM- Crew now en route to Change Islands via boat. They are expected to arrive at approximately 12:30.  An update will be provided when the crew arrives and makes an assessment.


Update 9AM – The helicopter is unable to fly to Change Islands this morning due to poor weather conditions. The crew is on stand by & ready to fly when conditions improve.


Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro) is advising that approximately 250 customers in Change Islands are currently without power.  The exact cause of the issue is unknown at this time, however the area has experienced high winds and winter storm conditions today.  Due to an issue with the ferry, crews are unable to respond tonight.  A helicopter will be dispatched at first light tomorrow to begin troubleshooting the issue.

An estimation on restoration time will be provided tomorrow morning, once crews have arrived in Change Islands.

Please keep safety top of mind during this outage.  For information on how to stay safe – click here: http://www.nlhydro.com/winter/power-outage-safety/

Customers can call the 24 hour customer call centre at anytime if they have further questions – 1-888-737-1296.