May 12, 2021
Hydro would like to advise its customers in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Mud Lake, Sheshatshiu and North West River that there will be a planned outage to the area on Sunday, May 30, 2021 from approximately 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
The outage is needed so that we can safely complete work to expand the Happy Valley terminal station, which will help increase the amount of electricity available for new and existing customers in the area.
At this time, we would also like to advise customers in the area that a second outage related to this work (required for approximately 10 hrs) is currently being planned for some time in late August or early September. Details on this outage will be available on our website, Facebook and Twitter and shared with customers as soon as the schedule has been finalized.
The gas turbine that serves as a backup generator for the area will unfortunately not be able to be used during these outages because the terminal station equipment needed to operate the gas turbine must be disconnected as part of the station yard expansion work.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank our customers in Upper Lake Melville for your understanding as we complete this important work. This is part of our annual maintenance program, which involves planned preventative and corrective maintenance and upgrades on electricity equipment across the province, as well as larger capital projects. Generation and transmission equipment is sometimes required to be removed from service for periods of time in order to complete work. Hydro makes every effort to schedule planned outages so that impacts to customers are minimized.
For outage information any time, visit, call us at 1-888-737-1296, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
This advisory is part of Hydro’s commitment to keeping customers informed about the electricity system.