Outage Advisory – Parts of Upper Lake Melville 

October 16, 2019

Hydro is advising its customers in the following locations of a possible power outage from approximately 10PM Thursday, Oct. 17 to 6AM Friday morning:

-North side of Happy Valley-Goose Bay
-5 Wing Goose Bay base
-North West River

Urgent repairs are to be conducted at the Churchill Falls switchyard, which requires the main transmission line serving the Upper Lake Melville area to be taken offline temporarily. During this time, Hydro will run available backup generation to provide power to Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Mud Lake, North West River, and Sheshatshiu.  However, please be advised that if local electricity load is greater than the backup generation can provide (due to colder temperatures), some areas may experience an outage.

The work has been scheduled in the overnight hours in an effort to reduce disruption to customers. However, we apologize for the inconvenience to those impacted and appreciate your understanding  as these urgent repairs are completed.