Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro takes steps to ensure system reliability 

April 10, 2014

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro) today submitted an application to the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities Board (PUB) for approval to purchase a 100MW(megawatt) combustion turbine generator to be in service by the end of the year, located adjacent to the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station.

“Several years ago, Hydro identified that there would be a generation capacity deficit on the Island power system leading to the requirement for additional generation in 2015,” said Rob Henderson, Vice President Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. “Hydro has been preparing to meet the existing generation need and has identified an opportunity to obtain more capacity earlier which will provide additional security of supply to the system for the winter 2014/2015. As a result, Hydro has submitted an application to the PUB to purchase a combustion turbine generator to be installed this December.”

Hydro’s analysis has shown that a combustion turbine is the best long- term, least cost option to provide the additional generation needed to support growing electrical demand in the province and to mitigate the capacity deficit that has been identified for 2015.

Hydro has issued a public tender for proposals with a close date of April 21, 2014. To maintain the integrity of the competitive process, all cost estimates have been redacted and will be available publically upon contract award. The contract award is subject to Board and regulatory approval. Hydro intends to move expeditiously to gain regulatory approval and secure this additional generation.

“Making the right capital investments in the electricity system will allow Hydro to continue to provide safe, reliable and least cost electricity to the people of this province,” said Henderson.