Labrador Interconnected Customer Bill Credit
February 1, 2020
Customers on the Labrador Interconnected System (which includes Labrador City, Wabush, Happy Valley Goose Bay, North West River, Sheshatshiu and Mud Lake) are eligible for a one-time bill credit due to adjustments made from Hydro’s 2017 General Rate Application.
Those customers who were active during the period January 1, 2018 – September 31, 2019 are eligible for a 4.3% credit based before tax billings for that period.
Customers are not required to apply for this credit – the bill credit will be automatically applied. Inactive customers, who were active customers during the period January 1, 2018 – September 31, 2019 may be eligible to receive a cheque for the amount owing.
Please call Hydro’s customer service team at 1-888-737-1296 to learn more.