Hydro supports the Seniors Resource Centre 

November 20, 2014

Peer Advocate Group get together for an information session in Happy Valley-Goose Bay
Peer Advocate Group get together for an information session in Happy Valley-Goose Bay

Hydro is proud to continue their support for the Seniors Resource Centre (SRC) and assist their efforts to expand and deliver safety, health and wellness initiatives for seniors throughout the province.

One objective of this partnership is having Senior Peer Advocates educate seniors about different health and safety topics through organizing Health and Safety Days in their communities. These workshops are a wonderful opportunity for groups to raise their profile in the community, provide valuable information, and motivate seniors to improve their health and safety.

Peer Advocate Group get together for an information session in Happy Valley-Goose Bay In addition to Health and Safety Days, the SRC hosts various information sessions throughout the year to educate and make seniors aware of issues such as elder abuse, fraud prevention, safe driving and emergency preparedness.

With Hydro’s support in 2010 several new Peer Advocate groups were formed in five different communities across the province, including Bell Island, Harbour Grace, Grand Falls-Windsor, Spaniard’s Bay, and Bonavista. As well, many existing groups expanded in communities across Newfoundland and Labrador.

Through our partnership, the SRC also developed a Community Action Fund that enables volunteers to apply for small grants to carry out the promotion of safety and health activities in their communities. One group used this funding to start a Community Singing Kitchen where a group prepares meals then host a large community dinner with entertainment. Other groups have started drop-in centers that offer the opportunity for seniors to socialize, play cards, or have a friendly visit and a cup of tea.

Hydro is pleased to have an opportunity to help the SRC reach out to seniors in the province, and provide access to information that will help them make informed decisions.