Hydro pledges support to Red Cross 

November 20, 2014

The Canadian Red Cross is currently running a major fundraising campaign to expand its disaster management capabilities in Newfoundland and Labrador, and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro has committed $50,000 towards the campaign and support emergency preparedness for the province.

“It’s a priority for us to give back to our community, particularly in the area of safety, health and wellbeing of individuals, families, seniors and children,” says Jim Haynes, Vice President Regulated Operations with Hydro. “We’re very proud to make a contribution to assist the Red Cross respond when disaster affects people of this province.”

The centerpiece of the $2-million Prepared campaign will be the construction of a disaster management training centre addition to the Canadian Red Cross office in St. John’s. Other elements include boosting the number of trained Red Cross disaster volunteers in the province to 700 from the current 250, a new emergency response vehicle, upgraded telecommunications and two new generators. The Red Cross will expand its storage capacity across the province and its inventory of disaster response supplies such as cots, blankets and other items sufficient to serve up to 800 people at a time.

In 2010, Hydro made a $22,500 contribution to the Canadian Red Cross to supports its Hurricane Igor relief efforts. The total raised by the Red Cross was just over $686,000, with the funds put to use immediately and effectively throughout the province’s affected areas and helping people rebuild their lives.