Renewable Integration Project Complete in Northern Labrador 

September 23, 2022

The community centre in Nain now has a 24 kW solar power system installed, completed in summer 2022.

For many rural, remote, off-grid communities in Canada, diesel fuel has long been the sole source of electricity, as the most affordable, reliable option for firm supply. However, demand for  cleaner alternatives is opening doors to new solutions.

In this province, Hydro has been working with several communities to support projects that integrate more renewable energy sources into local electricity systems. One such project was completed in August of 2022, when the Nunatsiavut Government celebrated the final of four solar installations in northern Labrador communities.

The completion of a 24 kilowatt solar panel system at Nain’s Jeremias Sillitt Community Centre was the last to be completed in the region. That followed a 15 kilowatt system at the community centre in Rigolet, a 10 kilowatt system at the Postville community centre, and a 24 kilowatt system at the Nanuk Community Centre in Hopedale.

Congratulations to everyone involved in helping move this project to completion.