Get To Know: Wayne Lidster
November 1, 2018

When it comes to taking care of the environment, Wayne Lidster leaves it all on the field.
Wayne Lidster is an Environmental Coordinator with Hydro. When it comes to taking care of the environment, he leaves it all on the field. Get to know more about Wayne and the important work that he does to ensure Hydro is meeting its environmental responsibilities.
How did you get started in the environmental field?
I’ve been an Environmental Coordinator with Hydro for more than 20 years. When I was a university student, I worked summers with the Canadian Wildlife Service and became interested in environmental studies. From there, my interest grew and it became my career.
Why does Hydro have an environmental division?
Our electricity network has over 7,000 km of poles and wires, numerous power plants and other facilities. Given the size and scope of our network, there are potential environmental risks that demand attention every day. Plus, we are always looking to minimize our environmental footprint and impacts—and to ensure that we’re complying with our regulatory and legislative obligations.
Why is managing environmental impacts important to Hydro?
Hydro is an ISO 14001 registered company. To maintain this certification, we must have a high level of environmental due diligence to manage all the potential risks. How Hydro is viewed as an environmental leader in Newfoundland and Labrador is very important. At times it can be daunting, but we have a team of dedicated individuals who take a great deal of pride in how the company manages its environmental risks and how it responds to any environmental incident.
Can you talk about a recent project you’ve worked on?
I was part of the team that performed the initial ground assessment and mapping for a new 188 km transmission line running from Bay d’Espoir to the western Avalon Peninsula. Since the line passes through a portion of a wilderness reserve, the project required an environmental assessment and an environmental protection plan. We conducted studies of the wetlands, flora and wildlife in the area and formulated a protection plan for rare plants and lichens.
What’s one thing you wish people knew about your job?
I spend about 70 percent of the year out in the field.
What’s the most challenging part of your work?
I think it’s logistics. With infrastructure in some of the most remote parts of the province, getting people and equipment to and from sites can be challenging.