Equipment Advisory: Connection of Hydro transmission line to new Soldiers Pond Station 

September 1, 2017

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro would like to advise customers that the transmission line which runs from the Hardwoods terminal station in Paradise to the Holyrood terminal station will be taken out of service on September 1 for approximately three weeks to conduct planned work.

There is no customer impact anticipated as a result of this work.

This work will tie Hydro’s transmission line into the new terminal station at Soldiers Pond, which is part of the new Labrador-Island Transmission Link. This will connect both Hardwoods and Holyrood stations to the new terminal station.

This is the first of three existing 230kV transmission lines on the Avalon Peninsula to be re-routed to connect to Soldiers Pond, and is one step in integrating new transmission assets and strengthening reliability for customers on the Avalon Peninsula.