Avalon Peninsula Power Watch no longer in effect

UPDATE: Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro) is advising customers on the Avalon Peninsula that the Power Watch issued on Feb 23 was lifted on Feb 24 at 8 pm.

Previous Advisory – Feb 23, 2016

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro) is advising customers on the Avalon Peninsula that the Power Watch will remain in effect for peak this evening, February 23 (4:00–8:00PM) and for peak periods tomorrow, February 24 (7:00-10:00AM and 4:00-8:00PM).

No immediate action is required by customers, however the electricity system on the Avalon is being monitored very closely and Hydro will advise if anything changes.

System demand is forecast to be high during peak periods tomorrow and Unit 1 at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Plant is offline to complete necessary repairs.

All other generating units are online and available to meet customer demand and there is no customer impact anticipated.

No immediate action is required for customers. A Power Watch is in effect to ensure close and careful monitoring of the system and active customer communication.

This advisory is part of Hydro’s commitment to keeping customers more informed and educated on the status of the electricity system and system events.

For updates, follow Hydro on social media at www.twitter.com/NLHydro and www.facebook.com/NLHydro.