Advisory: High-power testing of new Maritime Link 

December 15, 2017

We would like to advise customers on the island that the new Maritime Link transmission line will undergo “high-power” testing beginning late this evening (December 15) and continuing into the early morning of December 16 (approximately 8-hour period).

This is part of the process to complete commissioning of the power system connection between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Hydro is working closely with Emera Newfoundland and Labrador to coordinate this testing, according to detailed operational plans and taking steps to ensure reliable, safe delivery of electricity to our customers.

While no customer impacts are anticipated as a result of this work, there is nevertheless some risk associated with testing and flowing power over this new line.  

More information on the Maritime Link project can be found here:

Significant work continues to be carried out that will strengthen the province’s electricity system and improve long-term reliability for customers. We continue to monitor the electricity system closely and we are committed to keeping customers informed. For up-to-date information, visit us online at or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.