Human Health Risk Assessment
During the environmental assessment process for the Lower Churchill Project, an interim Human Health Risk Assessment was produced with a commitment to complete a final assessment following project sanction before changes to river conditions.
Components of this effort included:
- Consultation with relevant communities.
- Collection of human hair samples from the relevant communities for baseline determination of mercury concentrations.
- Dietary surveys – country and store-bought foods.
- Update of the Human Health Risk Assessment to include new baseline and updated exposure inputs.
- Development of a comprehensive monitoring program and health advisory protocol in consultation with Health Canada and the relevant communities.
Human Health Risk Assessment Plan
Baseline Dietary Survey and Human Biomonitoring Program Report
Dietary Survey and Human Hair Sampling Program Summary Report
Final Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment Report
Reports and Additional Information:
- Methylmercury Information Sheet
- Technical Memo: Preliminary estimates of human exposure and risk for total mercury and methylmercury – consumption of ringed seal meat and liver
- Modeling the Dispersion of Mercury and Phosphorous in Lake Melville
- Dillon Consulting Memo: Human Health Risk Assessment
- Azimuth Technical Memo: HHRA
- Predicted Increases in Fish Methylmercury Muscle Tissue Concentrations in Goose Bay and Lake Melville