Serving Our Province

Goal 3: Recognize Indigenous History and Strengthen Indigenous Relationships

We will educate ourselves, learn from – and respect – Indigenous history, and strengthen relationships with Indigenous governments, organizations and communities.

As a Crown utility, Hydro has a vital role to play on the path towards Truth and Reconciliation. We must build respectful, sincere, and meaningful relationships with Indigenous Peoples. We will work together to build a diverse and inclusive culture for generations to come. We are committed to working with Indigenous Peoples and honouring these relationships in our business practices and organizational culture.


  1. Demonstrate our commitment to building upon and strengthening relationships with Indigenous Peoples and communities across the province by engaging on and finalizing our Indigenous Principles Statement and communicating its contents and commitments to our employees, contractors, and other stakeholders. We will also seek to strengthen economic prosperity in Indigenous communities through building opportunities for Indigenous procurement into our processes and promote employment opportunities within our organization for Indigenous Peoples.

  2. Build and maintain a workforce that embraces our role as public servants to support reconciliation in the workplace and within our communities. We will educate our employees and promote respect for Indigenous culture, history, values and traditional knowledge.

  3. Strengthen our engagement process with Indigenous Peoples. We will work with Indigenous Peoples to develop a strategy to support communications and meaningful engagement. We will improve and solidify partnerships with Indigenous governments and community leadership to promote mutually beneficial relationships and open, transparent sharing of information. Finally, we will continue to fulfill our commitments through our Impacts and Benefits Agreement and Community Development Agreement.