Serving Our Province
Goal 1: Revitalize our Organization
We have undergone significant organizational change. We have unified to become Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, and we know we have further work to do. We are revitalizing our organization with the common understanding that we are a Crown utility. This means, in both our regulated and non-regulated operations, we will responsibly develop and deliver energy that the people of our province, and beyond, can count on.
Our energy landscape is changing and our focus on operating with good utility practices remains strong. We will prioritize supporting our provincial government in the creation and implementation of provincial power policy and legislation. We will promote responsible development and use of provincial energy resources and develop and implement policies and rates to provide cost-conscious electricity service.
We will plan for the future needs of our system and hold ourselves accountable to the people of the province. We will remain focused on promoting the efficient use of our electrical resources and design rates and policies that support this objective. We will also ensure our evolving organization is supported by sound governance practices and oversight.
Operate a cost-conscious and accountable organization. We will optimize our resources, seek efficiencies where possible, and continue to prioritize cost-conscious budgets and expenditures. We will file a General Rate Application reflecting Muskrat Falls Project costs, rate mitigation, and necessary revisions to established regulatory mechanisms. We will continue to conduct our business in a manner that is transparent and we will welcome public scrutiny of our decisions. To enhance transparency and accountability, we will prioritize information management, access to information, and the duty to document.
Prepare for future system requirements through thorough analysis and prudent decision-making. We will advance the Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study to inform future provincial energy supply requirements and the role that the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station will play in supporting our electricity system while we integrate and prove reliable the Muskrat Falls Project assets and transition to clean, renewable energy sources. We will prepare for the integration of new renewable energy sources and support the evaluation of long-term options for energy generated by the Churchill Falls assets.
Inform and support development and implementation of provincial power policy and legislation. We will participate in the ongoing review of the Public Utilities Act and Electrical Power Control Act, 1994, support the conclusion and implementation of rate mitigation, and continue to provide research and analysis of public energy-related policies.
Utilize sound regulatory and rate design principles and policies to encourage efficient use of our electrical system and resources. We will develop non-firm energy rates to facilitate increased in-province use of excess energy. We will also continue to pursue the development and implementation of policies, such as Network Additions Policies, that provide for cost-conscious electricity service.
Apply corporate governance practices to ensure efficient and effective oversight of our organization. To support our evolving organization, we will review our commercial, legal and governance structures and develop a multi-year strategy to implement any necessary changes.